Without further ado:
J. Best (w/"VIP" Joe Rosa & the VIP Club) vs. Eddie F. Diamond (w/Timmy Danger, Epiphany, & Bobbi Bardot).
Best runs into a drop toehold from EFD. EFD hits a dropkick, slams Best, but then VIP gets on the apron to distract EFD. Best charges EFD from behind, but EFD backflips him. He hits a backdrop, and then turns the Soulja Boy Shuffle into a strut and nails Best for the 3.
WINNER: DIAMOND by pinfall.
Lei'd Tapa vs. Jessie Belle.
Tapa slings Jessie down. Jessie jumps on her back, but Tapa flips her to the mat. She kicks Jessie in the back, and then stretches her back out. She scratches Jessie's back and delivers a big boot. She chops Jessie in the corner. She backs up and charges, but Jessie moves and tries to roll her up. Tapa blocks her, and
finishes her off with the spinning diamond cutter for 3.
WINNER: TAPA by pinfall.
Taeler Hendrix, Heidi Lovelace, & Nikki St. John vs. Trina & The Blossom Twins.
Hannah and Heidi lockup. Hannah & Holly work over Heidi's arm, with tags in and out. Holly goes off the ropes, but is kicked in the back by Taeler. Heidi rolls Holly up for 1. Nikki comes in and works over Holly in the corner and tags Taeler. Taeler chops Holly, but misses a legdrop. She gets up and tries an elbow drop, but misses that as well. Taeler tags Heidi as Holly makes the tag to Trina. Trina runs in and clotheslines Heidi. Nikki goes around the ring and pulls Hannah off the apron, distracting the ref. Taeler hits Trina, and it allows Heidi to roll her up for 3.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on OVW's official website late Thursday
afternoon/evening at www.ovwrestling.com/tv and on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 12 noon with replays Wednesdays at 9PM after WWE Main Event.
The show starts off with a video tribute, followed by a 10-bell salute to the late wrestling legend Jackie Fargo.
The Coalition comes to the ring and Jason Wayne says the terrorist level has been downgraded to yellow, the same color on the backs of Ali & Hayes last week. Crimson says they are so scared they aren't even here tonight.
Michael Hayes, Mohamad Ali Vaez, Rockstar Spud, Ryan Howe, & Rudy Switchblade all come to the ring. Ali grabs a mic and says they aren't scared, they're right here, and don't want to wait until Saturday Night Special. Crimson says they are true American heroes and they need to calm themselves down, because they know nothing about war.
A fight breaks out between the 2 groups and it ends as it did last week, with the Generals throwing Ali into a chair in the corner, injuring his arm. The OVW guys return to the back, and Crimson gets back in the ring. He says they've now changed their minds and are willing to give them a match right now. He tells referee Chris Sharpe to start counting. Michael Hayes returns to the ring without Ali (though he does have Spud, Howe, & Rudy to watch the rest of the Coalition on the outside).
OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLES: The Coalition Generals: "The Diabolical Dictator of Domestic Defense" Jason Wayne & "The Red Baron of Ruthless Reconnaissance" Crimson (w/"Thunderlats" Joe Coleman, Shiloh Jonze, "Rudo" Raul LaMotta, & Ghillie Man) [c] vs. Michael Hayes & Mohamad Ali Vaez? (w/Rudy Switchblade, Rockstar Spud, & Ryan Howe).
Hayes fires away on Wayne in the corner, hits Crimson off the apron, and then goes back to Wayne. Wayne charges at him, but Hayes sidesteps, and Wayne flies out of the ring. Crimson comes in and hits Hayes in the corner. He charges, but Hayes moves and headbutts Crimson in the chest. He hits a backdrop, as Wayne gets in. Wayne gets a backdrop also. The Coalition takes a breather on the outside. Wayne gets back in and punches Hayes, but Hayes fires back. Crimson gets in and hits Hayes from behind. Crimson grabs the flag as Wayne holds Hayes, but Hayes breaks free and Crimson hits Wayne. Hayes removes his leg and hits Crimson, and then Wayne with it. Crimson gets back up and takes out Hayes' good leg. Crimson stomps him and tags Wayne. Wayne puts him in a leglock, but Hayes rolls him over in a small package for 2. Wayne kicks him in the corner and tags Crimson. Crimson kicks Hayes and puts him in the Boston crab. Ali runs back out with his arm in a sling and gets on the apron. Hayes kicks out of the crab and tags Ali. Ali comes in on fire, dropping both men. They surround Ali, but Ali drops to the mat, and the Generals run into each other. He hits the neckbreaker on Wayne, but the rest of the Coalition runs in, as does Spud, Rudy, & Howe. In the mayhem, Crimson throws Ali into the ringpost on his bad arm. Wayne puts Ali in a submission, but Hayes has the baton and cracks Wayne in the back with it. Sharpe turns around to see Ali on top of Wayne and makes the count of 3!
I got a picture with the new champs at intermission although the lighting wasn't great.
"Mr. Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderz comes out and says he doesn't need the fans, he doesn't need Rudy, and he doesn't need an agent. He's a man, and can set up his own fights. He challenges, then dares anyone in the back, to come out and face him.
"Mr. Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderz vs. "Strongest Gamer Alive" Marcus Anthony.
WINNER: MARCUS by pinfall.
In the back, Jay Bradley walks out of Danny Davis' office upset. He approaches Dylan Bostic and says he should be #1 contender. He just fought on PPV, he's in the Bound for Glory series, and you would think they would want him as TNA Champion & OVW Champion. He asks Dylan how many boomsticks he has to deliver to Jamin Olivencia to get a title shot. Jamin Olivencia walks up and says he will meet him in the ring later tonight.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE: Tony Gunn vs. "The Double R Superstar" Randy Royal (c).
WINNER: ROYAL by pinfall.
After the match, Gunn attacks Royal and has to be pulled off by Ashcraft.
NON-TITLE: Jay Bradley vs. Jamin Olivencia.
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
"The Ken of OVW, Justin Bieber of Professional Wrestling, & King of Pink" Dylan Freak'n Bostic vs. "The Welsh Colossus" Rob Terry.
Dylan kicks Rob in the leg twice. He tries a third time, but Terry blocks him and kicks Dylan in the leg in return. Dylan locks Rob up from behind, but Rob breaks out and locks in a wristlock with one hand. He flips Dylan to the mat. He throws Dylan off the ropes, Dylan ducks twice, and then Rob leaps over Dylan, but lands on his bad knee. Dylan kicks his knee, as Rob shoves him away twice. Rob hits 3 big slams. The fourth time, Dylan claws Rob's eyes, kicks his knee, and then dropkicks his knee. He hits an uppercut to the knee and puts him in a leglock. Rob comes back with shoulder tackles, an inverted atomic drop, clothesline, splash in the corner, and a backflip off the ropes. He rams Dylan back first into the corner and then hits the powerslam for 3.
WINNER: TERRY by pinfall.
WINNERS: SPUD & HOWE by pinfall.
Don't forget to tune in every Thursday for new episodes of Triple Threat Talk.
They are linked to the right side of the site, and I am their special OVW correspondent! I will be sending them videos every
week recapping the previous week of OVW action.
This episode of OVW TV will be up online tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading!
This episode of OVW TV will be up online tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading!
Wonderful tribute last night to the great Jackie Fargo. However, I think the wrestlers should have come out and stood in the ring during the tribute as a sign of respect.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with Jay Bradley insulting the smaller wrestlers? Just remember, Rey Mysterio and Bill Dundee were small too, and they kicked butt.
ReplyDeleteI thought the tribute to Jackie was nice, but I agree that the wrestlers should have came out of the locker rooms during the tribute. Since it was Jackie Fargo, I believe Danny Davis should have came out and stood in the ring as well.