is the OVW Report for Wednesday, July 18, 2018. This episode can be seen
on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 11AM and 9PM, and
online at In this episode, Sam
Thompson defends the TV Title against Billy O, Justin Smooth wants Amon for the Heavyweight Title tonight, Crimson of the War Kings faces Dustin Jackson of the Bro Godz,
plus more!
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Cali Young & Meg Doheny defeat Nutty Nancy & Valerie Vermin (w/Hayley Shadows). Cali with a quick takedown of Nancy for 2. Nancy & Val come back with cheap tactics to isolate Cali in their corner and take control. Cali is choked and taken down with a clothesline. Nancy hits Cali back into their corner and chokes her with her boot. Val tags in and kicks Cali in the chest and pins for 2. Nancy comes back in. Off the ropes, they clothesline each other. Both women tag out, and Meg hits a release German and a powerslam to Val. She hits the longstanding vertical suplex for the 3 as Cali keeps Nancy from getting in the ring on the outside.
SOCIAL MEDIA EXCLUSIVE: "The Real Deal" Randall Floyd & Big Zo defeat "The Entourage 2.0": DL3 & Shiloh Jonze. Floyd slaps DL3 on the back as he has a sunburn. Floyd slaps him again. DL3 locks him up from behind and Floyd reverses and hits a double slap across the back. Shiloh runs in, but is taken down by Floyd. Zo tags in and hits an atomic drop, then a big slam. He goes for the Zo bomb, but DL3 gets on the apron. Zo hits him off, but as he goes to drop on Shiloh, DL3 gets back up and pulls Shiloh out of the ring. They double team Zo in their corner. Shiloh jumps on his back for a sleeper. Zo rams him back first into the corner to break it, but holds on. Zo finally breaks it, and both men tag out. Floyd smacks DL3's back again. Shiloh runs in into a beautiful dropkick from Floyd. DL3 grabs Floyd from behind to try and hit him with the Director's Cut, but Floyd reverses and hits him with the cutter for the 3.
concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 9PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at
Gilbert Corsey & Shannon the Dude are on commentary, and Brittany & Mercy are the ring announcers.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: "The Leading Man & Star of the Show" Billy O defeats "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson (c). Sam with some quick offense early. He kicks Billy in the head, then flies out on him. He sets up for a super kick, but Billy catches his foot and clotheslines him. He takes Sam down hard again and locks in a headlock. Sam out with a chinbuster, and comes back with some clotheslines. Billy catches him and goes for Oceans Eleven, but Sam gets out, but then super kicks him. Billy ducks a flying body press, but misses a high knee. Sam charges in, but misses. Billy hits a running high knee and gets the 3!
We have a NEW TV Champion! After the match, Ted McNaler taunts Sam Thompson by throwing bread at him. Sam grabs him and Adam Revolver runs out and attacks Sam. He grabs a chair and goes to hit him, but Sam moves. Sam grabs the chair and chases Adam & Ted off.
Jaylee comes out and says the women can keep fighting each other all they want. None of them stack up to her talent and deserve a shot at her Women's Title!
Gilbert Corsey brings out Justin Smooth. Smooth says he doesn't want to wait for the Saturday Night Special, he wants to face Amon tonight!
Amon comes out and says last week, Smooth messed up his sacrifice. Tonight, Smooth will be the sacrifice. If he wants it, bring it on!
Apollo comes out with KTD & Dimes. He says they have a 6-man tag later against the Void. The way he sees it, if they win, they are one step closer to a title shot.
Dustin Jackson (w/Colton Cage) defeats Crimson (w/Jax Dane). Crimson with all the control early. He takes him down with some vicious clotheslines and hangs him over the top rope. Dustin hits a dropkick and goes up top, but Jax knocks him down while Crimson has the ref distracted. Crimson hits a superplex. He clobbers Dustin, then hits a suplex, and a huge back body drop. Dustin comes back and goes for a sunset flip. Crimson tries to drop an elbow, but Dustin moves. He fires back and hits a flying body press, but Jax gets on the apron. Crimson hits a sit out spinebuster, but now Colton is on the apron. Crimson goes to hit him off, then turns and goes after Dustin. Dustin moves and gets a quick rollup for the 3!
After the match, Jax attacks Colton, then Jax & Crimson hit their finisher on Dustin and leave them laying once again!
DL3 & Shiloh come out and say they had the best 4-day title reign in OVW history. Once the Bro Godz and War Kings are finished, they are looking to get the titles back!
Jay Bradley comes out and says he travels the world and can do anything he wants. He is a former 2-time OVW Champion and helped 2 goofs win the Southern Tag Team Titles. He wants a shot at the Heavyweight Title again and says to send out any heavyweight to face him...
Big Zo defeats Jay Bradley.
Zo takes Jay down, but then Jay comes back and takes Zo down off the ropes. He boots him in the corner, then hits him. Zo reverses a throw and splashes him in the opposite corner. Jay comes back and takes Zo down again. He runs into a back elbow and Zo hits him out to ringside. Jay pulls him down and clubs him on the apron. Jay rolls him back and elbows him across the back. He delivers another elbow. Jay hits him and chops him in the ropes. He delivers a snapmare and a knee drop for 2. Jay locks in a sleeper. Zo gets out, then hits Jay to the corner. He hits the cartwheel butt bump and back elbows. He slams him, but misses a Zo bomb. Jay sets up for the Boomstick, but Zo catches him in a Samoan drop for the 3.
Tony Gunn comes out and says he is the best wrestler here. He says people are still laughing about him wearing a dress, but they won't be when he gets his shot against Dapper Dan again, and throws the stupid Anarchy Title into the Ohio River!
OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Amon (w/"The Void": Nigel, Houdini, & Chace Destiny) (c) defeats "The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth. Smooth hits Amon, but he just laughs hysterically. Amon chops Smooth hard and then again in the corner. Smooth catches him with a boot and then slams him. He dropkicks Amon from the ring. Amon pulls him out and hits his leg off the side of the apron. They exchange blows on the outside. Amon then throws Smooth into and over the steel steps. Amon hits him and rolls him in. He stomps Smooth, then hits him in the gut. Smooth tries to kick back, but Amon attacks the leg and locks him in a single-leg Boston crab. Smooth gets out and fires back. He hits a spinebuster and the bicycle kick, but Ryan Howe runs out and pulls referee Charlene out! Smooth goes out and fights with Howe, then gets back in. Amon is back up and hits Smooth with the STH for 2 with ref Dave counting! He goes for another STH, but Smooth flips him over. The Void runs out and Smooth has to fight them off. Smooth goes for another bicycle kick, but hits Dave instead. Howe gets Smooth's attention again as Amon pops up in the middle of the ring.
Smooth turns into another STH and Charlene is back in to count the 3!

DARK MATCH: "The Empire State Goliath" Cardinal defeats BGB. BGB tries to chop Cardinal. Cardinal chops him back in mid-air as BGB leaps at him. Cardinal tosses him like a rag doll. BGB tries to fight back, but runs into a big clothesline. Cardinal finishes him off with a spinning neckbreaker for the 3.
DARK MATCH: "The Void": Chace Destiny, Nigel, & Houdini defeat Dimes, "The Vet" Apollo, & "Livewire" KTD. The Void controls most of the match. Dimes gets a hot tag and bulldogs Chace, but Nigel blind tags. Nigel sounds like he cracks Dimes' hand, then locks in a tarantula like submission, bending Dimes' fingers back for the tapout.
DARK MATCH: "Bro God" Colton Cage (w/Dustin Jackson) defeats "Shotgun" Tony Gunn. Quick back and forth takedowns. Gunn goes after the bad arm of Colton. Gunn takes Colton down off the ropes. Gunn then focuses on the leg after a single leg takedown. He wraps it in the ropes, and works it over. Gunn locks in a submission on the leg, then elbow drops it. Off the ropes, Gunn runs into a sidewalk slam. Colton fires up. Gunn tries to kick, but gets taken down by his leg also. He hits Gunn's knee off the mat. He splashes him in the corner, then spells "BRO". Gunn powerbombs him out of the corner and gets the 3 with his feet on the ropes. Dustin pleads his case, and the ref restarts the match. Gunn attacks Colton and goes for the sharpshooter, but Colton rolls him up in a small package for the 3!
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