Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Ca$h Flo defeats Carlos Gabriel. Pretty much a squash for Ca$h, who hits poor Carlos with some nasty chops and the faceplant for the 3.
OVW WOMEN'S TITLE TRIPLE THREAT: "The Most Hated Woman in Wrestling" Maria James (c) defeats Callie & Maddie Max. Maria sits on the outside and allows Maddie & Callie to wear each other down before coming in at the end after Maddie had hit Callie with a finisher, and plants Maddie with a reverse Russian leg sweep for the 3.
concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 10PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Gilbert Corsey, Shannon the Dude, & Ron Hed are on commentary, and Ron is the ring announcer.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE: "Double R Superstar" Randy Royal vs. Trevor Steele (c) ends in a no-contest. Royal can't quite get Steele with the Royal Flush, then Steele kicks Royal below the belt where the ref doesn't see it. Steele's music hits, but out comes Tyler Matrix dressed as Steele. Matrix has the OVW Rule Book, and makes fun of Steele's run as commissioner saying this should now be a hair vs. mullet match, then maybe a 27 out of 51 falls match with a 90 minute time limit for this 60 minute show. Steele goes after Matrix and they brawl at ringside. Royal joins in, and they fight with Steele to the back.
"Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe (w/Annie) defeats Adam Slade. Pretty much a squash for Howe, who puts Slade away with the Chart Topper for the 3. After the match, Howe says he's back. Annie says beside every good man is a great woman, and she is here to stay. Howe says she helped him rediscover the fire that got him noticed by millions of people, and that got him to the top of the mountain in OVW twice. He says he will be back on the top of the mountain very soon.
"The Legacy of Brutality": Big Zo & "Hood Ninja" Hy Zaya (w/Josh Ashcraft) & "The Elite": Adam Revolver & "Manbeast" Ted McNaler defeat Mexicutioner, Big Jon, Houdini, & "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stu Miles. The Elite are fighting on the outside with Mex & Stu. Inside, Jon is in control, and Houdini wants the tag. Houdini is tagged, and Zo knocks Jon out of the ring from behind. Hy Zaya grabs Houdini and throws him to Zo for a powerbomb, and Hy goes up top to hit the Ninja Vanish for the 3.
Rocco Bellagio comes out and calls out Dean Hill.
He has some questions and wants some answers. He wants to know why his best friend Chris Silvio comes back after almost a year away, and gets a shot at his OVW Heavyweight Title, and how Dean turned him against him. Dean says that Silvio is a former champion and deserves a title shot and never actually got a rematch when he lost it almost a year ago. He said if John Cena, Batista, Randy Orton, or Brock Lesnar walked in right now, they would all get title shots as former OVW Champions. Dean also brings up the fact that Rocco was not happy about how some of his previous matches were officiated, and wrote a letter about having special referees for his matches. So he got him one for the title match between him & Silvio at the November SNS. Out comes Randy Royal.
Royal promises to call it right down the middle, and Rocco looks unhappy. Dean tells Royal that he is also reinstating his title shot anytime, anywhere.
CARNIVAL OF CHAOS GAUNTLET MATCH (The ring is also being surrounded by lumberjack clowns with weapons): "The Van Zandt Family Circus": Dapper Dan Van Zandt, Ringmaster, Scarlet, & Little Damion defeat Mad Man Pondo. Pondo breaks a cinderblock between the legs of Damion with a sledgehammer to put him away for the 3. Ringmaster is out, and there is some decent back and forth when Scarlet comes in and hits Pondo from behind. Pondo hits Ringmaster and causes him to spew the green mist in Scarlet's face. Pondo pins Scarlet and eliminates her. He then gets Ringmaster hung up in a tree of woe with the stop sign against Ringmaster's face. He grabs a large chunk of the leftover cinderblock and hurls it at the stop sign and pins Ringmaster for the 3.
Dapper Dan comes out and they exchange blows and kendo stick shots. Referee AJ Lucio gets squashed in the corner, and then gets a stop sign to the head. Pondo slams Dan on a pile of Lego blocks, and one of the clowns with a ref shirt comes in and counts to 2, but stops. Pondo grabs him and pulls off the mask to reveal Ringmaster! Dan gets back up and slams Pondo on the Legos, and then hits a german suplex on a ladder. He wakes AJ up to get the 3!
"Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe (w/Annie) defeats Adam Slade. Pretty much a squash for Howe, who puts Slade away with the Chart Topper for the 3. After the match, Howe says he's back. Annie says beside every good man is a great woman, and she is here to stay. Howe says she helped him rediscover the fire that got him noticed by millions of people, and that got him to the top of the mountain in OVW twice. He says he will be back on the top of the mountain very soon.
"The Legacy of Brutality": Big Zo & "Hood Ninja" Hy Zaya (w/Josh Ashcraft) & "The Elite": Adam Revolver & "Manbeast" Ted McNaler defeat Mexicutioner, Big Jon, Houdini, & "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stu Miles. The Elite are fighting on the outside with Mex & Stu. Inside, Jon is in control, and Houdini wants the tag. Houdini is tagged, and Zo knocks Jon out of the ring from behind. Hy Zaya grabs Houdini and throws him to Zo for a powerbomb, and Hy goes up top to hit the Ninja Vanish for the 3.
He has some questions and wants some answers. He wants to know why his best friend Chris Silvio comes back after almost a year away, and gets a shot at his OVW Heavyweight Title, and how Dean turned him against him. Dean says that Silvio is a former champion and deserves a title shot and never actually got a rematch when he lost it almost a year ago. He said if John Cena, Batista, Randy Orton, or Brock Lesnar walked in right now, they would all get title shots as former OVW Champions. Dean also brings up the fact that Rocco was not happy about how some of his previous matches were officiated, and wrote a letter about having special referees for his matches. So he got him one for the title match between him & Silvio at the November SNS. Out comes Randy Royal.
Royal promises to call it right down the middle, and Rocco looks unhappy. Dean tells Royal that he is also reinstating his title shot anytime, anywhere.
Dapper Dan comes out and they exchange blows and kendo stick shots. Referee AJ Lucio gets squashed in the corner, and then gets a stop sign to the head. Pondo slams Dan on a pile of Lego blocks, and one of the clowns with a ref shirt comes in and counts to 2, but stops. Pondo grabs him and pulls off the mask to reveal Ringmaster! Dan gets back up and slams Pondo on the Legos, and then hits a german suplex on a ladder. He wakes AJ up to get the 3!
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
"The Young Lion" Tyler Matrix (billed as "The Young Giant" Tyler Steele) defeats "The King of Hairstyle" Robbie Walker. Matrix was still dressed as and acting like Trevor Steele. He hit Walker with a big boot and locked him in the chicken wing submission for the tapout.
As always, thanks for reading!
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