Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:

Cali Young (w/Valerie Vermin & OVW Women's Champion Jaylee) defeats "Bad Girl" Jessie Belle. Jessie locks up and throws Cali to the corner. She charges in with a back elbow and takes Cali down for 2. She locks in a side headlock. Off the ropes, she gets tripped by Val. Jessie regains control, but again Jaylee & Val interfere. Jessie has a submission locked in, then hits the Belle Ringer, but Val has the ref distracted. Jaylee gets in and hits the Artist's Touch and puts Cali on top of her for the 3.

"Shotgun" Tony Gunn defeats Brandon Wolfe. Gunn with a quick takedown. Wolfe back with some quick counters, but Gunn grabs him and slams him. He hits a hard chop, then locks in a submission. Wolfe bites him and fires back, but Gunn knees him and puts him back into the hold. He hits a seated clothesline for 2. Wolfe tries to fire back again, but Gunn catches him with a spinebuster and covers him for 3 straight 2 counts. He shoulders him into the corner. Wolfe rolls him up on the third attempt for 2. He catches Gunn with an enziguri. Wolfe fires up and hits a running forearm. He hits a running kick to the head for 2. He goes for Gunn, but Gunn kicks the knee. He locks in a modified sharpshooter and Wolfe taps.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 9PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at OVW TV.
Gilbert Corsey, Shannon the Dude, & Dr. Ted McNaler are on commentary, and Mercy & Brittany are the ring announcers.
The ring is set up with candles in the shape of Abyss' "A" logo. The Void, Amon & Crazzy Steve, and then the NEW OVW Heavyweight Champion Abyss come out. Before they can celebrate, Justin Smooth's music hits. Smooth says he went through real legends, and then Abyss took the cowardly way out. He wants a rematch tonight! Randall Floyd comes out and says he fought with Smooth against these guys, but it's time for him to step back. He is the reason Steve didn't make the tournament. Randy Royal comes out and says he's the reason this mess happened, and he's not going to stand by and watch this go on. Rocco Bellagio comes out and says he is back and as Matt Cappotelli would tell him, he's got to be all in. Well, he's all in.
Michael Hayes comes out and says it took all of them to put him in a casket, but he's still standing and he wants a shot. Abyss asks who they think they are. He says he sees 5 of them, and his family has 5. If they can get through his family, then maybe, just maybe, will he give any of them a shot!
OVW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: Eddie Knight defeats Dapper Dan. Knight fires away, but Dan takes him down for 2. He clubs Knight and hits a fall away slam for 2. He claws his face and throws him off the ropes. Eddie jumps on his back, but Dan rams him into the corner. He hits a belly to belly suplex for 2. He misses the dapper legdrop and Knight fires up. Off the ropes, Dan catches him with a sidewalk slam. Knight fires back and hits a kick for 2. He goes up top, but Dan hits the ropes. He goes up top, but Eddie hits him off. He hits a flying elbow drop and gets the 3!
"King's Ransom": Maximus & Leonis Khan defeat Ashton Cove & William Lutz. Cove locks up the arm of Leonis. He reverses and tags Maximus and he takes over the arm. He tags Leonis and they hit a double shoulder block. Cove locks in a side headlock, but Leonis heaves him across the ring. Lutz gets in behind the ref's back and they hit a double suplex. Leonis kips right back up and double clotheslines them. Maximus tags in and takes Lutz out with the jumping clothesline off the ropes. They then deliver the double spinebuster to Cove for the 3.
Shiloh Jonze & Big D come out and Shiloh says Mike Eagle got Ken Anderson & Mick Foley last week to help him out. As far as he's concerned, he is the "king of the streets". Sam Thompson comes out and says that's not how he remembers it. Shiloh raps on him, and Sam challenges him for the Anarchy Title. He says since he thinks he is the "king of the street", how about a street fight?
OVW ANARCHY TITLE STREET FIGHT: Shiloh Jonze (w/Big D) defeats "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson (c). Sam fires away and flies out on Shiloh & Big D. He brings out some weapons, but Shiloh hits him and throws him in the ring. He flies off the top with a crutch, but Sam catches him with a hit to the gut. He knocks Shiloh into the ropes and as he goes to grab him, Big D hits Sam in the head with a bat, and Shiloh gets the 3!
After the match, Gilbert Corsey tells Shiloh that his first title defense has already been made for Saturday November 3rd when he faces Tommy Dreamer!
"The Show Stealer" Rocco Bellagio, "The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth, "The Real Deal" Randall Floyd, "The Double R Superstar" Randy Royal, & Michael Hayes defeat "The Demon" Amon, Crazzy Steve, & "The Void": Chace Destiny, Nigel Winters, & Houdini. The match starts in chaos as all 10 men are fighting. Things clear out with Smooth press slamming Nigel. Later, Royal gets in a nice chop on Chace. Hayes gets in and cleans house, suplexing Houdini, and hitting a facebuster to Nigel for 2. All 10 men are back in and Hayes gets quintuple-teamed in the corner as the ref tries to get the rest of Hayes' team in their corner. Hayes works his way to the corner, but a distraction allows Amon and company to get him back to the middle. Amon stretches him out, and Hayes finally gets to the corner to tag Smooth. Things break down on the outside as Smooth takes out Houdini and Chace both with bicycle kicks and pins Chace for the 3! After the match, Smooth is distracted by Steve, as Abyss comes out behind him and attacks him. He chokeslams Smooth and stand tall to end the show.
DARK MATCH: Big Zo defeats The Mexicutioner. They shake hands. They try to power each other down. Mex with a shoulder tackle. Zo comes back with a spinning kick. Mex fires back and goes for a spear, but Zo throws him into the ringpost. Zo slams him and hits the Zo bomb for the 3.
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