Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
"The Man" Jason Lee vs. "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus.
WINNER: MELVIN by submission to the bearhug.
WINNERS: TERREZ & MEX by pinfall.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on OVW's official website late Thursday
afternoon/evening at www.ovwrestling.com/tv
and on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 9AM and 10PM (check local listings).
Dean Hill & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary with Shannon the Dude as ring announcer.
Backstage, Josh Ashcraft approaches Michael Titus and notifies him that Jordan Barker will not be there. Titus is happy and says that as senior official, Josh needs to set up the TV Title match tonight to be Michael Hayes vs. Adam Revolver.
Shiloh Jonze vs. "The Pyschadelic Superstar" Chris Silvio (w/Mary Jane).
Jonze sends Eric Locker to the back, then grabs Mary Jane as she comes out of the curtain, attempting to ambush Silvio. Silvio counters the ambush, and the 2 fight around the ring for a bit before the bell even rings. Once inside, Shiloh shows off a more aggressive side as Dean & Gilbert point out that he seems rejuvenated with a title shot in the near future. Silvio starts to come back and Shiloh is on the outside. He gets in Mary Jane's face, and she slaps him. Silvio runs at Shiloh with a baseball slide, and knocks Shiloh into Mary Jane. Silvio is concerned about her as Josh Ashcraft comes out and tells the referee to go ahead with the 10 count. A distracted Silvio goes back to the ring and Shiloh catches him with a kick to the back of the head. Shiloh uses the distraction of Mary Jane to his advantage as Silvio has trouble focusing on the match. Silvio, however, is able to fight back again, ducking a roundhouse kick, and connecting with the Psychadelic Superpunch. Shiloh kicks out at 2.99999, and Eric Locker runs in to attack Silvio, causing a DQ.
WINNER: SILVIO by DQ.After the match, Jamin Olivencia runs out to save his partner, and clotheslines Locker from the ring. He is in street clothes, but tells Locker that Locker might think he's tough, but let's go right now...
Eric Locker vs. Jamin Olivencia.
Back and forth early, and then Jamin starts to hit his signature moves. Jumping clothesline, high knee, and is ready for the Standing O. Shiloh gets on the apron, and Jamin hits him off. Silvio runs out and clotheslines Shiloh hard on the floor. The slight distraction allows Locker to recover, and Jamin turns around into the T-Bone Suplex for the 3.
WINNER: LOCKER by pinfall.Backstage, Michael Hayes is warming up for his match. He is approached by Randy Terrez & the Mexicutioner. Mex speaks in Spanish, and Hayes looks at Terrez to translate. Terrez says they want to see him take Revolver out and get the 1,2,3. Hayes says a 1,2,3 isn't get enough. After all the running, he will show Revolver that his sleeper hold is nothing. He is the better wrestler, and will lock Revolver in the Liberty Lock to prove it.
Deonta Davis vs. "Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe.
Howe squashes Deonta quickly, finishing him off with the Chart Topper.
WINNER: HOWE by pinfall.The Congregation comes out and "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stuart Miles says no one wants to hear Howe play any more of the "Devil's music". Howe has been warned too long, and will meet his maker in E-Town. Howe has been on the "highway to hell" for too long. Howe says if he is, then so are all these people, and proceeds to play some AC/DC to annoy Miles further.
"Rudo" Raul LaMotta vs. "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus.
As Raul comes to the ring, a woman in the stands throws a taco at him. Melvin makes his entrance, but is attacked by Marcus Anthony.
NO CONTEST.Marcus throws Melvin into the ringpost and then delivers a one-handed powerbomb inside the ring! Marcus locks in the Crimson Omen as refs try to stop him. Marcus ignores them, and delivers a second one-handed powerbomb to Melvin.
Backstage, Adam Revolver is warming up. Michael Titus walks in and asks if he's ready. Adam's ready, but wonders where Titus was last week. Titus says he has been busy bringing Titus Enterprises full-force. He says it needs to start tonight by Adam winning the TV Title.
A good back and forth match. Hayes is able to lock in the Liberty Lock as Revolver reaches for the ropes. Hayes hooks Adam's arm with his leg. As he does, Adam rolls back where Hayes' shoulders are on the mat. Josh Ashcraft counts to 3 as Adam starts tapping at about 2.5. Josh awards the match to Adam.
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Dapper Dan vs. "Primetime" Robbie Walker.
WINNER: WALKER by pinfall.
Mary Elizabeth Monroe vs. TNA Knockout Rebel.
WINNER: MEM by submission to the Rainbow Cross.
"The Fabulous Freebodies": The Bodyguy & Big Jon vs. "Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe & Rump Thump.
WINNERS: HOWE & RUMP by pinfall.
episode of OVW TV is online now. As
always, thanks for reading!
I understand how the fans can get excited, but they should not get away with throwing things at wrestlers.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that person got kicked out, if not OVW crowds have always been bad, at least in my opinion they have been.
ReplyDeleteOn a similar sad(ish) note, nice to see a womans match for once, you know, as a dark-match... they REALLY need more women in OVW to kickstart their division again.
Can anyone tell me how Rebel looked in that match because the last I heard she was injured, just wondering if she has recovered or wasn't at 100% during the match.
DeleteI'd like to know this also. Whatever the case, if she is still rasslin' while injure, that takes guts. Hopefully she doesn't worsen herself if she is fighting hurt.
DeleteWhen is something going to be done about Ashcraft? Danny says he can't prove he is on the take, but all you have to do is watch the tapes. Ashcaraft has his hand in Titus's pocket and his nose up his, well we won't go there. Danny's attorneys need to start earning their pay and get rid of this jerk before Danny starts losing his wrestlers and the fans.