Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
A quick match with Walker picking up the victory following a jumping legdrop for the 3.
WINNER: WALKER by pinfall.
A quick start for TerreMex, but Terrez is hit in the back by Jon off the ropes while the ref is distracted. Terrez is worked over for a bit before making the tag to Mex. Mex powers over Bodyguy and Big Jon is knocked to the floor. Mex & Terrez hit a double team finisher for the 3.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on OVW's official website late Thursday
afternoon/evening at www.ovwrestling.com/tv
and on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 9AM and 10PM (check local listings).
Dean Hill & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary, Shannon the Dude is ring announcer.
Michael Hayes comes out and says he doesn't want to exercise a rematch clause, he wants his title back. Everyone knows Adam Revolver tapped.
Josh Ashcraft comes out and says he counted Hayes down. Hayes threatens to hurt Josh and Titus Enterprises is out.
Danny Davis comes to the ring and says that everyone knows what happened last week. He takes the title from Revolver and says that they will continue the match tonight. He dismisses Adam, and tells Josh that he will NOT referee the title match between Melvin Maximus & Marcus Anthony at SNS, nor will he referee the TV Title match tonight. That duty will go to Jordan Barker. He tells Josh to leave, and then tells Marcus to stay put. He says Marcus will face a former opponent next...
Marcus Anthony (w/Michael Titus) vs. Mohamad Ali Vaez.
Ali comes out firing away on Marcus. Marcus powers back with shoulder blocks, squat thrust slams, and squeezes Ali in a submission around the waist. Ali doesn't look 100%. Ali is able to move from a charge in the corner and Marcus runs into the ringpost. Ali hits the neckbreaker for 2. Marcus charges at Ali, and Ali pulls down the top rope, and Marcus flies out. Ali goes to climb the ropes, but looks loopy and falls back to the mat. Marcus gets back in and goes after Ali, but Ali locks him in a crossface. Ali has it locked in good, but then fades out himself. Marcus gets back to his feet and delivers 2 powerbombs to Ali, and Ali is out. Referee Jordan Barker calls for the bell.
WINNER: MARCUS by knockout.After the match, Marcus goes to lock Ali in the Crimson Omen. Melvin Maximus runs out to make the save. Ali has to be stretchered out.
Shiloh Jonze & Eric Locker vs. "The Wild Boyz": Eddie F. Diamond & "Party Starter" Bud Dwight.
The Fabulous Free Bodies were on commentary. Wild Boyz take it to Shiloh early, but Locker & Shiloh come back and take over. They double team EFD and work him over until a tag to Dwight is made. Dwight clotheslines Shiloh, and dropkicks Shiloh & Locker both. Locker hits Dwight from behind and Locker holds Dwight up. Shiloh goes up top and hits a bulldog, planting Dwight's face in the mat. They go for the pin, but Chris Silvio & Jamin Olivencia run out and attack them.
WINNERS: SHILOH & LOCKER by DQ.Locker & Shiloh are knocked out of the ring, and Shiloh grabs a mic. He says they must still be angry about Mary Jane getting hurt last week, but Silvio should be angry at Jamin. Shiloh says Jamin wasn't there for Silvio again, and he is mad at the wrong person.
Howe runs out and fires away on Jake Glasure & Jade Dawson. Miles hits Howe from behind with the good book.
Backstage, Rump Thump & Robbie Walker are talking when they hear a commotion in the locker room next to them. They enter the room to see referee Jordan Barker taken out. Josh Ashcraft walks in and says not to worry, he will take care of officiating the TV Title match.
Another very good back and forth match. In the end, Hayes gets Adam in the Liberty Lock, but Titus helps push the rope in for Adam to grab. Hayes gets in Josh Ashcraft's face, while Titus hands Adam the belt. Adam clocks Hayes with it, right in front of Josh. Adam then locks in the sleeper hold, and Josh calls for the bell without Hayes tapping or checking him with the 3 arm raises.
the match, Marcus Anthony joins Titus & Revolver in the ring.Danny Davis comes back out and says Josh is a rotten piece of crap. He already told Josh that he wouldn't be the ref at SNS, but he reveals a very special referee for the title match between Marcus & Melvin Maximus...
Timmy Danger!
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Dapper Dan vs. "Mister Marvelous" Melvin Maximus.
Dan tries to take the fight to Melvin, but Melvin is too strong. Melvin powers through him, locking in the Bearhug for the tapout.
WINNER: MELVIN by submission.
"The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stuart Miles, "Altar Boy" Jade Dawson, & "the Apostle" Jake Glasure vs. "Ram Jam" Jonathan Ramser, Leon Shelly, & Elvis Pridemoore.
Leon, Ram Jam, & Elvis work over Jade early, but the triple teaming catches up to them from the Congregation. Ram Jam makes a hot tag to Leon, but the Congreagtion knock Elvis off the apron and Miles hits a claw slam for the 3.
We broke the news of a big return, and you saw it tonight! Timmy Danger is back and will be the special referee for the main event of the September 6 Saturday Night Special!
Plus, be at OVW next Wednesday night for the return of one of OVW's most popular superstars, CLIFF COMPTON!
This episode of OVW TV will be up online tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading!
Plus, be at OVW next Wednesday night for the return of one of OVW's most popular superstars, CLIFF COMPTON!
This episode of OVW TV will be up online tomorrow. As always, thanks for reading!
Booooo boring Cliff Compton
ReplyDeleteI got a few good words for Rev. Stewie, but since I'm a lady, I won't repeat them.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, no women...
ReplyDeleteI mean I get that OVW only has 2 women at this point (Rebel who's injured and Jessie Belle retiring don't count), but for them to not look for other women to bring into the promotion, they must honestly hate women or something for them to not have them on TV since May... MAY!