Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
"The Congregation": "Altar Boy" Jade Dawson, "Apostle" Jake Glasure, & "The Pastor of Disaster" Rev. Stuart Miles come
to the ring. Miles says a lot of bad things are said about the Congregation, but they are not true. He says he is not needed tonight and Jade & Apostle will show what they can do on their own...
The Wild Boyz work over Jade's arm. EFD jumps off Dwight's back with a flying forearm to Jade in the corner. EFD throws Jade to Dwight, who uses Jade as a battering ram to knock Jake from the ring. EFD & Dwight hit a double reverse DDT for the 3.
WINNERS: WILD BOYZ by pinfall.
Raul comes out and says he has been wrestling for over 10 years and is tired of being disrespected and called Taco Bell. He chops and claws the back of Wyld and throws him out of the ring. He hits him with more chops on the outside. Back inside, he kicks Wyld, hits a double underhook DDT, and this one is over.
WINNER: RAUL by pinfall.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on OVW's official website late Thursday
afternoon/evening at www.ovwrestling.com/tv
and on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 9AM and 10PM (check local listings).
Dean Hill & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary, and Shannon the Dude is the ring announcer.
The Bodyguy (w/Big Jon) vs. "Primetime" Robbie Walker.
Bodyguy with the early advantage, but Walker starts fighting back, and hits a couple dropkicks. Bodyguy rolls out and distracts the ref allowing Big Jon to come in and hit a chokeslam. Bodyguy regains the advantage. Again, Walker fights back and Bodyguy rolls out. Big Jon grabs Robbie from behind again, but Robbie slides away and hits the Cosmic Kick. Bodyguy re-enters and spins Robbie around into the pedigree for 3.
WINNER: BODYGUY by pinfall.Cliff says he told everyone he came back to become champion and that's exactly what he did. He will defend it against anyone, just name the date and place.
This brings out former champion, Melvin Maximus. Melvin says he was never beaten and wants a rematch at the November 1 Saturday Night Special. Cliff accepts. Cliff then says not if, but when he beats Melvin, it will be "marvelous".
This strikes a nerve with Melvin, and a shoving contest becomes a fight that has to be separated by officials and some superstars.
Dapper Dan vs. "Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe.
Howe comes out without his guitar that was stolen by the Congregation. He fires away on Dan and hits 2 dropkicks. Dan kicks him and clubs him in the back. Howe chops him back and hits a reverse cross body. He goes up top for the Chart Topper when he hears guitar music. The Congregation distracts him and Dan hits the German Suplex on Howe from behind for the 3.
WINNER: DAN by pinfall.Backstage, Josh Ashcraft runs into Titus Enterprises' locker room to inform Michael Titus that something happened to Adam Revolver. Titus & the War Machine follow him to Adam, who is laid out with a chair around his neck.
"The Low Class Connection": Leon Shelly & Deonta Davis vs. "TerreMex": Randy Terrez & the Mexicutioner.
TerreMex beat up on Deonta, then Leon. Leon claws Mex's eyes and tags Deonta back in. Deonta runs off the ropes, but Mexicutioner catches him, tags Terrez, and slams him. Terrez runs off the ropes and Mex backflips him onto Deonta. Leon stops the pin and gets speared by Mex. TerreMex then hits La Chancla on Deonta for the 3.
WINNERS: TERREMEX by pinfall.After the match, Gilbert Corsey interviews TerreMex. They are still focused on becoming OVW Southern Tag Team Champions and really want to take it from Michael Titus' guys, the War Machine.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE: "The Psychadelic Superstar" Chris Silvio (w/Mary Jane) vs. Michael Hayes (c).
Hayes slams Silvio. Silvio takes Hayes down with some mat wrestling. Hayes back with a suplex, but Silvio gets his foot in the ropes as Hayes tries for another. Silvio locks him up from behind, but Hayes elbows out. He jabs Silvio in the chin, but Silvio ducks one, jumps off the ropes and hits a diamond cutter. Hayes is draped across the middle rope and Silvio leaps over and hits a legdrop. He locks in a side arm submission, but Hayes rolls out. Silvio off the top with a double axehandle. He smacks Hayes in the face. Hayes chops back, but Silvio kicks him in the face. He locks in the side arm submission again, and again Hayes rolls out. Silvio goes for a suplex, but Hayes reverses it. Hayes hits a second one, but Silvio gets his feet in the ropes again to prevent a third. Silvio again locks in the submission to Hayes' arm. Hayes fights out. Silvio goes up top and leaps off, but Hayes catches and slams him. The two trade blows. Silvio kicks him in the gut. Hayes reverses a throw into the corner, Silvio jumps off the ropes, but Hayes hits him on his way down. He hits all three suplexes this time. He then connects with the facebuster off the knee, but Silvio flies to the outside. Hayes goes out and brings him back in. He hits Silvio in the corner, but appears a bit dazed and falls to a knee. Silvio takes advantage of the opportunity, connecting with the Psychadelic Superpunch for the 3!
WINNER and NEW OVW TV CHAMPION: SILVIO by pinfall.Backstage, Michael Titus is walking alongside Eric Locker. They return to their dressing room to find Shiloh Jonze laid out under a pile of chairs. Titus is furious and is on the way to the ring to find out who is trying to take out Titus Enterprises.
Michael Titus wants answers now! Music hits and out comes Mohamad Ali Vaez! He runs into the ring and goes after Locker, and Locker has to retreat. Ali says he is feeling good after being out with concussion issues caused by Titus Enterprises. He took out Marcus Anthony earlier today with a lead pipe, and was also responsible for the fate of Adam Revolver & Shiloh Jonze. He wants Locker 1-on-1 in 7 days, and after he takes care of that "clown", there will be nothing standing between him and Michael Titus!
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Melvin squeezes the Pastor's hand. Pastor goes outside, but Melvin flips him back in. He slams Pastor and hits a Samoan drop. Outside interference allows Pastor to take out Melvin's knee. Melvin gets choked by Jade & Jake from the outside. Pastor chokes Melvin with his boot and later his belt while the ref is distracted by Jade. The ref turns and sees Pastor trying to use the belt again, and starts a tug of war with him. On the outside, the Assassin has came out and is chasing Jade & Jake around the ring. The ref finally rips the belt away from Pastor, and Pastor spins around into the Bearhug from Melvin and has to tap.
WINNER: MELVIN by submission.Next week, Mohamad Ali Vaez vs. Eric Locker!
episode of OVW TV will be up online tomorrow. As
always, thanks for reading!
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