Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Eads controls most of the match, but Precious starts to rally. He gets on the second rope, and Josh (wearing an exclusive OVWmania shirt!) gets on the apron to distract him. This allows Eads to recover and catch a jumping Precious off the rope, and he connects with the Weight of the World for the 3.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching
the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report.
Again, you can check it out on WBNA ion-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 10PM (check local listings)
and on OVW's official website Mondays at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Gilbert Corsey, Shannon the Dude, & Ron Hed are on commentary, and Ron is also the ring announcer.
Rocco says that title should be his. He prepared for a triple threat match, Josh Ashcraft interfered, and Danny Davis was not the legal referee. Jon says if he wants it, they can fight for it.
Dean Hill comes out, and breaks them apart. Before he can say much, Josh Ashcraft comes out.
Josh says Devin Driscoll had 30 days to defend his title and was injured, so Dean should give the title back to him. Dean says Driscoll signed to and agreed upon the contract, so the ruling stands. Josh says there is another problem, though. The last time there was a double champion, Jason Wayne was forced to give up one of the titles. Dean says it pains him to say it, but it is true. He asks Jon for the Television Title, and Jon reluctantly gives it up. Dean then tells Josh that Driscoll isn't here and won't be here for the Festival, so as far as he's concerned, Josh isn't needed here, either. He tells Josh to get out. Dean says there is another problem now. He needs a new captain for Jon's opposing team and asks Rocco to step in. Rocco says he doesn't play second fiddle to anyone, but he will on one condition: he gets another shot at Big Jon for the title at the May 14th SNS. He also says it was him that beat Jason Wayne for that TV Title back in 2011. Dean says it's up to one person, and asks Jon. Jon says that's fine, but tells Rocco to remember that he beat him to start his title reign!
Stephon Smith defeats "The Party Starter" Bud Dwight. The former Rump Thump came out and called for his music to be cut off. This was a good match, but Stephon did some hair pulling and raked Dwight's eyes as he was attempting to go for the Last Call. Stephon then connects with the Thump for the 3.
After the match, Gilbert Corsey asks "Thumper" why the eye-raking and attitude. Stephon says to quit calling him that. He says nice guys finish last, and he was tired of being patronized by being called the "Heart & Soul" of a company that he was busting his butt for, to not be put in the right position. He says his name is Stephon Smith, and shoves Gilbert.
Maria James & "The Tag Buddies": Adam Revolver & Rev. Stu Miles defeat "The Bad Boys Club": "Bad Boy" Shane Andrews, "Double R Superstar" Randy Royal, & Jessie Belle. The match breaks down with Maria & Jessie fighting on the outside, as well as Adam & Shane. Inside, Royal goes for the reverse Russian leg sweep, but Stu counters and rolls Royal up with a backslide for the 3.
After the match, Gilbert Corsey tries to interview the Tag Buddies, but the Bad Boys attack. They get the noose rope and choke Stu out with it.
After the match, Daniel Eads (who was on commentary and was hit by Huff as he tried to interfere) runs in and attacks Huff. The Bad Boys Club and Adam Revolver all end up in the ring. Eads is still taking it to Huff, and the Bad Boys hit the 3D on Revolver.
Big Jon comes out and is clearing house until Rocco grabs the title belt and clocks Jon in the head with it. Rocco, the Bad Boys, & Eads stand tall as Josh Ashcraft comes back out and says he just locked the 5th man for the team. It's a former World Heavyweight Champion and 11-time OVW Southern Tag Team Champion...the "Iron Man" Rob Conway!
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
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