everyone! OVWmania presents
the Top 10 stories that happened in OVW in 2013. Especially with it
being New Year's Eve, let's take a trip down memory lane and "count down"
the most noteworthy events as we head into 2014 and the next big event
for OVW, the January 4th Saturday Night Special.
HONORABLE MENTION) The Unlikely Power Pair:
Just before the end of 2013, the unlikely combination of Jay Bradley & Rob Terry came together to dominate in Japan. They brought their team back to OVW where they totally dominated Double Platinum's Ryan Howe & Rockstar Spud. If their undefeated streak is any indication, 2014 could be a huge year for this duo.
#10) The Pope Comes Home:
Elijah Burke got his start in professional wrestling by training at Ohio Valley Wrestling. Things came full circle for "The Pope" when he returned to the OVW ring on September 11 and won the OVW Television Title on his first night back against the Marauders' Flash Flanagan. He quickly got into a rivalry with the Marauders, losing the gold to Shiloh Jonze due to the numbers advantage. This eventually led to a steel cage match against Shiloh Jonze. Although, Elijah didn't win the title back, he left everything in the ring for the OVW fans. Elijah said after the match that it gets harder every time he has to leave. He is touring the world as we speak, but have we seen the last of Elijah Burke in OVW, or will the Pope be seen again in 2014?

#9) Randy Royal's Return/Feud With Gunn:
Double R Superstar suffered a heart attack in late 2012, but fought his
way back to the squared circle in 2013. Thanks to help from his good
friend, Tony Gunn, Royal trained hard and made it into the TV Title
picture. He eventually won the title, but things changed. Royal's doctor
bills were piling up, but the extra $1000 he made for successfully
defending the TV Title went to buying things such as exercise equipment
and big screen TVs. Tony Gunn tried to get Randy to see the big picture,
but he refused to listen, and started winning matches "by any means
necessary". Eventually, Royal & Gunn squared off after Royal felt
Gunn cost him the title. Royal got the best of Gunn at first, injuring
his former friend's shoulder. In the end, it was Tony Gunn who put Royal
through a table and picked up a victory over his former friend to end
the rivalry. Neither man has been back in the ring since. Will either
man make a splash in OVW in 2014?
#8) The Bodyguy Becomes Women's Champion:
The Bodyguy decided that women had no place in wrestling. He started interrupting their matches, saying that they were taking up valuable TV time, and that they belong in the kitchen or sewing things. He then got in the ring with them to prove how much better men were than women. The Women's Champion, Lei'D Tapa, didn't take too kindly to this. She challenged the Bodyguy to a match, but he would only accept if she put her title on the line. She accepted the challenge, and at the December 7 Saturday Night Special, the Bodyguy was able to steal a victory and become the new OVW Women's Champion. The Bodyguy was excited about his win until he found all the fans chanting "Bodygirl" at him, and all the guys in the back making fun of him. He has tried to get rid of the title to end 2013, but his plans were thwarted by the Assassin. At the first Saturday Night Special of 2014, the Assassin will try to win the Women's Title from the Bodyguy in what has to be one of the most bizarre stories of 2013.
#7) First Ever Fatal 4 Way Women's Ladder Match:
#6) Flash & Trash:
#5) Jessie Godderz and the Pink Bunny Suit:
#2) OVW Premieres on the ION Network/WBNA-21:
#1) The Reign of Jamin Olivencia:
So there you have it. The Top 10 stories of 2013 in OVW. Do you agree or disagree with the Top 10 OVWmania picks? If so, feel free to comment below.
Everyone have a happy and healthy new year. We'll see you in 2014 at the shows!
wrestling history, there have been many ladder matches and many fatal 4
way matches. Usually, it's the men who sacrifice their bodies in these
tough matches. We have even seen a women's ladder match in OVW history
when Katie Lea squared off with Beth Phoenix. On September 18, we saw
the first ever Fatal 4 Way ladder match pitting Lei'D Tapa, Taeler
Hendrix, and the Blossom Twins against each other for the vacated
Women's Championship. These 4 Femme Fatales gave it everything they had,
but in the end, it was Hannah Blossom pushing her own sister, Holly,
off the ladder in order to be the one to reach up and grab the Women's
2013 kicked off with 3 straight Saturday Night Specials where the main event featured Trailer Park Trash going up against his archenemy Flash Flanagan. Josette Bynum brought Flash in to try and get rid of Trailer Park Trash, so that she could regain power in OVW. The first 2 matches went to Flash, but TPT finally pulled out a victory over Flash in the 3rd match, his retirement match. He also put Josette through a table for good measure. Although these two men tried to kill each other and really don't like each other, they came together to end 2013. The reason? One common enemy. The 2 are sick and tired of the Marauders running around acting like they own the place and want to end them for good. Will they be able to coexist at the Saturday Night Special as TPT comes out of retirement, or is their old rivalry too hard to put aside?
After several wins with Rudy Switchblade and being the OVW Southern Tag Team Champions, a breakup of the Best Team Ever sent Godderz' career spiraling out of control. He tried to one-up his former partner, but couldn't do it. He fired his agent. He lost...a lot. He even tried to pick opponents for himself that he knew he could beat like Elvis Pridemoore and Nick Dumeyer, but lost to them as well. The biggest embarrassment for him was having to wear a pink bunny suit. He had to wear it for every match or he would be fined, fired, and lose his TNA contract. Jessie blamed everyone but himself, and even challenged Dean Hill to a match in which he lost. Jessie finally got to the point where he was ready to "end it all". His former partner, Rudy Switchblade, felt bad for him and decided to help him out. They went on to win a tag team match, and the Best Team Ever got back together. Jessie's attitude also changed in the process, as he became more fan-friendly and started to tap back into his star potential.
#4) Michael Hayes' Return/Partnership With Ali/End of Coalition:
Michael Hayes was out of action for a while due to some scar tissue busting open from all the wear and tear suffered in the ring. He was brought back in originally as the new Director of Operations, but the Coalition got him fired. Hayes wasn't happy, but was reinstated as an active member of the roster the following week. OVW Owner Danny Davis also informed the Coalition that Hayes and a partner of his choosing would fight them at the Saturday Night Special. Fans were shocked and surprised to find out that his partner was his once bitter enemy, Mohamad Ali Vaez! Not only did these two become a great team, but they won the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles and drove the Coalition out of OVW.
#3) Timmy Danger's Career-Ending Crusade:
Timmy Danger, the former "hype man" for Eddie Diamond, became angered at Diamond for leaving him behind after he got seriously injured in the ring in tag action. Danger's attitude changed and he went out and hired superstars to try and end Eddie Diamond and Eddie's then-partner Paredyse. It started with the return of James "Moose" Thomas. Danger then turned his attention to the OVW Heavyweight Champion, Jamin Olivencia. He wanted Moose to not only win the title, but end Jamin's career in a loser leaves OVW match. Jamin overcame the odds and ended the career of Moose. Danger then brought in Jamin's old rival, Johnny Spade. Spade took it to Jamin, but Jamin again was successful. Now, Timmy has Marcus Anthony trying to take down Jamin's reign as champion. Will Danger finally get the title off of Jamin with Marcus Anthony at the January 4, 2014 Saturday Night Special, or will Danger end up ending another one of his own guy's careers?
#2) OVW Premieres on the ION Network/WBNA-21:
For a while, OVW could only be streamed online, or watched on a local network in the Kentuckiana area that not many people had access to. However, OVW was able to secure a new TV deal, premiering on WBNA's ION-21 on Saturday, April 6. This move brought OVW to millions of viewers in the Louisville market, where anyone with digital TV, cable, or satellite was able to pick up OVW on ION. Now a much larger contingent of people can pick up OVW TV and keep up with all of tomorrow's superstars today. OVW can be seen Saturday mornings at 9AM and Wednesday nights at 9PM on WBNA ion-21. It can also be viewed Saturdays at 12Noon on RetroTV 21.4, and online at ovwrestling.com and blip.tv.
There was no one in all of wrestling that had a bigger year in 2013 than Jamin Olivencia. You have to go back to April 10 where Jamin, after weeks of going around with Doug Williams, finally defeated him to win the OVW Heavyweight Championship for the first time in his 8 year career. Jamin would go on to have the longest reign in OVW history defeating superstars Doug Williams, Rob Terry, Jay Bradley, James "Moose" Thomas, & Johnny Spade along the way. Jamin heads into 2014 as champion, but has a big challenge awaiting him at the January 4, 2014 Saturday Night Special. He will face the "Strongest Gamer Alive" Marcus Anthony, with Timmy Danger at ringside. What else will 2014 hold for Jamin? Will he ever get an answer to the challenge he sent out to TNA Superstar Kurt Angle? Will he make an "impact" in TNA or WWE? It should be another exciting year.
So there you have it. The Top 10 stories of 2013 in OVW. Do you agree or disagree with the Top 10 OVWmania picks? If so, feel free to comment below.
Everyone have a happy and healthy new year. We'll see you in 2014 at the shows!
I would like to see Randy Royal make a return to OVW.