BC: Chris, how do you respond to Josh's claim that you are targeting him because you're scared of losing your spot as top ref?
CS: First, I want to say thanks a lot for having me as a guest. I appreciate all you do for OVW. What I don't appreciate, is the bullcrap I hear every week coming from Josh Ashcraft's mouth. Because of this, I didn't even read your interview with him, because I knew it would be exactly that...crap. I appreciate all of the respect that OVW, the boys and girls in the locker room, and the fans have given me for 6 years, but I don't feel I need a title like "Senior Referee" to get that respect. I don't obsess over things like that, unlike some people. However, I do feel like it's power in the wrong hands if Josh calls all the shots acting the way that he does.
BC: Josh went on to say that you couldn't separate business from friendship, mentioning your relationship with current OVW Champion Jamin Olivencia and saying "Sharpie" is a dumb nickname. Comments?
CS: Well, there's no denying that there have been many times I've gotten involved in more than just refereeing here, and my emotions led to a lot of that. The difference I see between Josh & I is the motive behind the actions. Did I side with Jamin in all of those matches where Timmy Danger was continually interfering and involved me every time he opened his mouth? You're darn right! But I didn't let it affect how I enforced the rules and did my job here. I certainly didn't let anyone win a match they didn't deserve to, just because I have friends. PS: I can't help it that the nicknames the fans have chosen for Josh aren't as flattering.
BC: With that being said, what are your thoughts on Josh and his relationship with Danger International? He said you can't separate business and friendship, but he has seemed to buddy up to that group. I even brought up the fist bumps and back pats he has gotten from them upon entering the ring. He said that was just a sign of respect from his peers...
CS: A relationship. I'm glad you used that term...that's exactly what it is. He's in cahoots with them. I don't know if it's some sort of romantic relationship where he holds Timmy's hand for long walks, or oils up Marcus, or shines all of their bald heads, but they have to be lining his pockets with cash to get by with what they do when Josh is the ref.
BC: I asked Josh and naturally, you got all the blame, but how will you continue to ensure the OVW fans they will get the best action possible when you and Josh are now considered "equals" as "co-senior" officials and cannot get along?
CS: Personally, I don't think Josh and I can work as equals, with us both being in the mental states that we are in. If it were up to me, I would say give me the position back that I already had, or give it to someone new that isn't me or Josh. It can be Jordan (Barker), it can be Joe Wheeler. I don't want to cost the wrestlers their matches just because Josh and I can't get along. I think it's stupid that he has these lawsuits to begin with. This is wrestling. Referee or not, there's a certain way to handle business, and you do it like a man. If he wants to man up and put his senior referee title on the line, that would be an awesome idea.
BC: That actually leads me into my next question. I asked Josh if he thought this could come down to you 2 settling this in the ring. He said if you keep sticking your nose in his business, he'll break it. He also reminded me that you all met in the ring before and he won. Do you see this happening, and would the result be different from the previous encounter?
CS: I would love for that to happen! Honestly, it felt so good punching him in the face that it's almost been worth all of this headache all along...but to shut him up once and for all, like a man, inside of a wrestling ring, would be awesome. In fact, I hear the fans at every event chanting "ref vs. ref", even in matches that we are not in. So you know that the people want it to happen. What a sight it would be if I went into work this Wednesday night, everyone in the crowd was chanting "ref vs. ref", and then maybe the Board of Directors would come up with an idea on how to settle this.
BC: I ended our interview by asking Josh if he had anything to say to the fans, Danny Davis, and/or you. He not only had a comment, but more of a threat. And I quote..."You're not better than me. You can sit on your high horse and look down on me all you want, but watch your back Sharpe. My patience has run out with you. Get in my way again...and get hurt." What do you have to say in reply to this?
CS: I'll answer that with this...Josh, the last time we got physical, I blocked your punch and knocked you out with one punch. Face to face, imagine what I would do to straighten your little @$$ up, if OVW sanctioned a match!
BC: Thanks for your time and not threatening to call attorneys on me, like Josh did.
CS: Thanks for doing it with me.
ReplyDeleteRef vs. Ref........I'm in.......have them do it !
ReplyDeleteThat argument in the locker room last week between Sharpe and Ashcraft was so funny! LOL!
ReplyDeleteTeam Sharpie!
ReplyDeleteI will be so glad when Josh Ass-crack gets put in his place.
ReplyDeleteSharpie will beat Ass-crotch like a red headed step child, Nothing personal Jessie Belle.
ReplyDeleteI heard to get in training for a match against Josh that Sharpie was going to start running laps...............around Ashcraft !!!!!!