This is the OVW Report for Wednesday, November 1, 2017. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 11AM and 9PM, and online at www.ovwrestling.com/ovw-media.html. In this episode, Tyler Matrix & LJ team up to take on the tandem of Randall Floyd & Michael Hayes, Adam Slade faces the Legacy of Brutality's Dapper Dan, plus more!
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
"Shotgun" Tony Gunn defeats "Livewire" KTD. Gunn takes KTD down and stomps him, proclaiming he is the best wrestler here. KTD comes back with some shoulder tackles, but Gunn takes him down again and hits a flying knee off the top rope. He goes for another, but KTD moves. KTD with some kicks, but Gunn catches him with a decapitating clothesline. He knees him in the face and hits the reverse DDT for the 3.
After the match, Gunn says he has something to say about being screwed last week at a shot for the OVW Heavyweight Title. He has a beef, but not with Michael Hayes. His beef is with Big Zo. He says somehow Zo is next in line for a title shot, so he is challenging Zo to a match at the Special and wants an answer by the end of the night.
Big Zo defeats Christian Hernandez. Zo & Christian lock up and exchange armlocks and headlocks. Off the ropes, Zo bowls over Christian for 1. Zo with a big slam and an Are You Serious legdrop for 2. He throws Christian in the corner and hits a cartwheel butt bump. He then hits a fallaway slam and gets a 2. He throws Christian in the corner and misses the Zo train. Christian fires away in the corner and hits a shoulder tackle. Zo fires back, splashes him in the corner and hits a roundhouse kick. He slams Christian and goes up and connects with the Zo bomb for the 3. After the match, Zo answers Gunn's challenge by saying he's tired of hearing about the Gunn show, when everyone in "ZO-VW" knows it's the Zo Show. Challenge accepted.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 9PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at www.ovwrestling.com/ovw-media.html.
Dr. Ted McNaler, Mike Lacett, & Gilbert Corsey are on commentary, and KC is the ring announcer.
Slade is in control, but Josh causes a distraction with Giza on the outside. Ca$h clubs Slade hard from behind and Dan gets in Ca$h's face. Slade recovers and goes for a super kick, but Ca$h catches his foot and spins him to Dan, who hits a Death Valley Driver for the 3.
Gilbert Corsey, Mike Lacett, & Ted McNaler are talking about the next Saturday Night Special and are interrupted as usual by Michael Hayes.
Hayes says he never lies and has done everything he said he would do. He doesn't have to use his War Games win at the Special, because he earned his #1 contender spot. He also does not care to be in the tag match tonight for the main event and is not going to.
Dean Hill comes out and says we have a failure to communicate. He says he is the majority shareholder, and Hayes doesn't run this company. He will be in the main event, or he will not get his War Games match, and he will be fired from this company.
Tyler Matrix comes out and says he is right, he has earned everything. He has earned the butt-kicking he will get at the Special, and he won't have a "leg to stand on". Hayes throws a punch at Matrix, and they begin to brawl. Randall Floyd runs out to hit Matrix, then Logan James is out to even the odds and hit a double dropkick off the top onto both Floyd & Hayes.
LJ & Matrix double dropkick Hayes out of the ring, but with their backs turned, Hayes gets back in as they are yelling at Floyd, and Hayes hits LJ with the facebuster off the bionic knee.
"The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth defeats David Lee Lorenze III (w/"The Bro Godz": Colton Cage & Dustin Jackson & OVW Women's Champion Jaylee). Smooth hits a running big boot and goes for Street Justice out of the gate, but the Bros run in. He knocks them out with David on his shoulders. Jaylee distracts the ref on the apron, and the Bros continue to interfere long enough to allow David to dropkick Smooth off the apron. Smooth comes back, but Shannon the Dude (who had joined commentary) gets on the apron. Big Jon comes out and hits STD off the apron and starts to take him to the back, but Adam Revolver shows up and low blows Jon. With Smooth distracted, David tries to roll him up with his feet on the ropes, but only gets a 2. Smooth connects with Street Justice, but the Bros break up the pin to cause a DQ.
Smooth fights them off and hits them both with big boots, but David clocks him from behind with Jaylee's title. Billy O & Aloicious Hamilton run out to fight with the Bro Godz.
The Masked Man comes out and nails Alo with the chain again. Billy grabs the Masked Man an tries to unmask him, but the Masked Man gets away. Billy is able to get a hold of the chain as he runs off.
"Bad Girl" Jessie Belle defeats Maria James. A quick back and forth match. Jessie hits the Kiss My Grits and a huge DDT to get the 3.
After the match, Jaylee once again attacks Jessie from behind. Jessie comes back and goes for her finisher, but David Lee Lorenze III pulls her out of harm's way.
After the match, Hayes sneaks in and hits LJ with the facebuster again. Tyler & Hayes then exchange blows and fight to the back to end the show.
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Don't forget the Saturday Night Special is this Saturday, November 4!
OVW HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Tyler Matrix (c) vs. Michael Hayes
OVW TELEVISION TITLE (Best 2 out of 3 falls):
Randall Floyd (c) vs. Logan James
OVW SOUTHERN TAG TEAM TITLES: The Top Guyz vs. The Legacy of Brutality
OVW WOMEN'S TITLE: Jaylee (c) vs. Jessie Belle
GRUDGE MATCH: Big Zo vs. Tony Gunn
As always, thanks for reading!
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