Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Taeler Hendrix (w/Dylan Bostic) b. Jessie Belle. Jessie Belle tried rolling up Taeler quick, but only got a 2 count. She had control hitting some armdrags and rolled her around the ring in a circle with her legs. Taeler took a breather before coming back. Jessie Belle got distracted by Dylan which allowed Taeler to take control. Taeler worked her over, but couldn't put her away. Jessie Belle fought back and regained control until Dylan got up on the apron and distracted Jessie Belle again. She smacked at him, but he did enough to allow Taeler to regroup. When Jessie Belle turned around, Taeler was waiting with a swift kick to the head and got the pin. MY
TAKE: Taeler is back on a winning streak, but can she continue it into SNS where she goes 1-on-1 with Taryn Terrell for the OVW Women's Title?
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always suggest watching
the show first before reading my full report. You can find the shows
posted online late Thursday afternoons/evenings at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
show starts out with Trailer Park Trash limping down the hallway toward his office. He stops outside where he overhears Josette on the phone talking to her "man" about finally finishing Trash off once and for all. He coughs to let Josette know he's coming and asks her to go and fetch him some of her "special" coffee.
The show starts off with the "Mixtape" starring Eddie Diamond & Timmy Danger. They say that Trailer Park Trash is not the "Suckah of the Week", and then say they are coming out for a live "Suckah of the Week". They enter the ring accompanied by Bobbi Bardot who is carrying a Tupac picture. They give Crimson the "Suckah of the Week" and make fun of him saying if he went to a bar and ordered a drink named after him, it would be called the "Paper Champion". They also say his head looks like an orange tic tac. Crimson comes out and says he can't believe what he is hearing. His name shouldn't even come out of their mouths, because he is the OVW Heavyweight Champion. He says he guesses he will have to teach them a lesson again. Diamond stops him and says before he does anything, he should watch the screen. A video airs of Rob Terry screaming into the camera. He says Crimson should know by now how much the title means to him, and that 4 slashed tires won't stop him. He also says bad knee or not, he will be at Saturday Night Special. He says he can fight through pain, and he can replace 4 car tires. Trailer Park Trash's music hits and he is followed out by Josette. He tells Crimson he has been in the ring with Rob Terry and he has never seen him that angry. He says he will be keeping his eyes on him, but right now his focus isn't on Crimson, it's on Josette! He tells Josette he overheard her on the phone and he wants a match against her "man", the masked man who has been taking him out the past couple weeks at SNS. She has until the end of the night to sign the contract, or she's fired!
Rudy Switchblade (w/ Jessie Godderz) vs. Sam Shaw (w/Alex Silva). Rudy grabs a mic and tells Jessie that last week doesn't count, because he wasn't there and his opponent isn't even a worthwhile competitor. He wears board shorts and DC shoes. Jessie grabs the mic and says that if Rudy gets beat, they will put the titles on the line at SNS. Shaw comes out on fire as Jessie tries to interfere. Silva chases him around the ring and to the back. The distraction allows Rudy to take advantage by throwing Shaw shoulder first into the steel ringpost. Rudy works over the shoulder, but Shaw fights back and hits some dropkicks. He hits the backbreaker/neckbreaker combo and goes up top for Breaking Point, but Jessie runs back out and grabs his leg. Silva is close behind and pulls Jessie off the apron and he crashes to the floor. Rudy charges after Shaw, but Shaw leaps over Rudy and rolls him up for the 3. WINNER: SHAW by pinfall. MY TAKE: The Gutcheckers have their tag title shot at SNS. Can they bring home the gold against the Best Team Ever? Shaw & Silva are ready to electrify.
Trash is in his office with Josette telling her she had better figure out what she is going to do with the contract when Joe Coleman comes in yelling about having to face Jamin Olivenica again. Trash says Jamin gets another shot since Coleman purposely got himself disqualified the last 2 weeks. He says if Coleman gets DQ'd again tonight, he will meet Jamin again at SNS in a No DQ match for the TV Title. Coleman says he is an American hero and shouldn't be treated this way and is upset that Jamin's Puerto Rican and it's not even a state.
Cliff Compton's music hits and he is out for commentary once again.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE: Jamin Olivencia vs. "The Jacked Knight" Joe Coleman [c]. Coleman told Cliff as he made his entrance that he is the undisputed TV Champion. Jamin attacked Coleman before Terry Boddie could even spit out the introduction. Jamin once again was in full control hitting the running battering ram in the corner, a backflip, and some of his trademark clotheslines. He set up for the Standing O DDT, but Coleman blocked it and low blowed him for another DQ. WINNER: OLIVENCIA by DQ, but STILL OVW TELEVISION CHAMPION: COLEMAN. After the match, Coleman continued to kick and beat Jamin saying a No DQ match wasn't going to matter, because by the looks of it, Jamin will be in no shape to compete. MY
TAKE: Coleman thinks his master plan will work, but we'll find out Saturday if it does or not. Will he be able to retain or will Jamin capture his 8th Television Title reign?
Elvis Pridemoore vs. Doug Williams. Doug Williams says his match at SNS with Johnny Spade will be a British Gentleman's Rules Match. As he wrestles Elvis, he explains what can and cannot be done in the microphone which he has referee Jordan Barker hold throughout. He controls most of the matchup telling everyone that you cannot pick your opponent up off the mat, there are no kicks or knees allowed, etc. He charges Elvis in the corner, but Elvis boots him in the face and goes up top. Williams pulls Barker in front of him and tells him top rope moves are illegal. Elvis jumps off and Williams catches him with a forearm. He then places Elvis in a submission and he taps out. WINNER: WILLIAMS by submission. After the match, Williams continues pounding Elvis when Spade comes running out. Williams tells Spade to back up, because part of the contract that was signed said Spade couldn't touch him before the match or the match would be forfeited. Spade badly wanted his hands on Williams. Elvis was getting back up and Williams came up from behind and hit Chaos Theory and ran out of the ring mocking Spade. MY
TAKE: Spade wants to brawl, but what will happen Saturday when he is forced to wrestle in this special rules match?
Gilbert Corsey enters the ring and brings out the returning Randy Royal. He says that for anyone who doesn't know, on October 23, Randy suffered a heart attack. Randy gave a very heartfelt speech saying he was actually dead, but fought back and still has burn marks where he was shocked back to life. He says he didn't want his parents to bury their only son. He says he went back and watched some old footage of his matches, specifically some of his losses, and says he didn't want to come back if he couldn't give his all. He said he has talked with a lot of people and this is NOT the end of the Double R Superstar! He will be back once he fully recovers, and will go out on his own terms. The crowd cheers his name as he poses on the top rope and thanks the fans for their support. His old friend, Taeler Hendrix, comes out and says that was so "heartbreaking". Get it? She says everyone should sing the song "Heartbreaker" with her, but just like old times, she gets bombarded with "Prostitot" chants as Taryn Terrell comes out to the ring behind her with a bucket of her own. Taeler turns around in time and Taryn chases her to the outside. Before she can dump it, Dylan Bostic comes out and has a tug of war with Taryn. Taryn lets go and it goes all over Dylan. Taryn & Taeler than fight in the ring and it has to be broken up by officials.
In the back, we see Jason Wayne rallying the troops. Joe Coleman, Jack Black, Shiloh Jonze, Kid Kash, "VIP", Jeremiah Plunkett, & Jose Del Barrio are all in the locker room. Wayne says he wants Black to go out there and not just hurt him, but kill Moose.
Jack Black vs. James "Moose" Thomas. Moose & Black exchange blows, but Moose gains control and goes to town on Black. He has firm control when Wayne comes out and sends all the troops after Moose. WINNER: MOOSE by DQ. All of them get in the ring and attack Moose, but Moose fights them all off. Wayne tells them to retreat as Moose goes after Wayne. Trailer Park Trash's music hits. Moose says he wants Wayne at SNS. Wayne says on one condition, he goes through all of his men first. Moose says that's fine and Trash says Moose will have a gauntlet match at SNS. He then gets in the ring and wants to know if Josette got the contract signed. She takes her time and makes excuses saying she hasn't heard back from him yet. Trash says to quit playing around, since she is the masked man's representative, she can sign the contract or get fired. She doesn't have a pen, but Dean Hill throws one in the ring. She finally signs it as the asked man runs out to the ring. Trash catches him and delivers some punches and a slam and goes after the mask. Josette grabs Trash's hands, and the masked man slips away. MY
TAKE: It's official. Trash returns to the ring at SNS, but who is the mystery attacker? Will we find out on Saturday?
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Crimson, Shiloh Jonze, & "VIP" Joe Rosa (w/Jose Del Barrio) b. Tony Gunn, Paredyse, & Eddie Diamond (w/Timmy Danger). Back and forth action from all 6 men, but Paredyse took the brunt of the punishment for most of the match. He got the hot tag to Diamond who came in and was taking it to Shiloh. He threw Shiloh into the corner where Crimson blind tagged him. Diamond hit his inverted DDT finisher on Shiloh, but turned around into Red Sky from Crimson for the 3. WINNERS: CRIMSON, SHILOH, & VIP by pinfall. MY
TAKE: Crimson got a victory over Diamond tonight, but can he deliver Red Sky to Rob Terry on Saturday? If not, we could have a new OVW Heavyweight Champion.
Don't forget to watch the episode online starting tomorrow. Also, be on the lookout for my SNS preview as well as Terry Boddie & Gilbert Corsey's "Before the Bell" special online tomorrow. Don't forget about my weekly Top 20 that will cover tonight and SNS as well as other special reports. As always, thanks for reading!
Thanks for posting the results. I know it is a lot of work, but are you contemplating posting your predictions for SNS? A couple of OVW questions for you:
ReplyDelete1. What have you been hearing about the weekly “Mixtape?” The comments I have been reading online have not been too favorable.
2. And this question I am also putting to Mr. Boddie. All wrestling promotions work hard to keep their fan base hooked. OVW is no different; however, here is my inquiry. How does OVW define their fan base? Is it the fans such as you who live in Louisville proper? Or the global fans, like me, who rely on social media and other outlets for OVW news. OVW’s base has grown through social media. Especially after their agreement with TNA.
I don't want to sound biased or feel like I'm giving anything away, so I chose not to do a prediction column, whether my guesses are right or not. The Mixtape is not my cup of tea, but there are fans who have warmed up to Diamond & Danger. There are also (a couple) fans who actually root for Elvis Pridemoore, too, though. Being an independent promotion based in the "Ohio Valley", the main base is obviously here in Louisville and the surrounding areas in Kentucky & Indiana. However, the more TNA promotes OVW on IMPACT, the more I try to spread the word through OVWmania, the more Terry tries to spread the word through his site and twitter, the fact that OVW's shows can be seen online anywhere in the world, the idea is that OVW can have an identity outside of just the "Ohio Valley". I think most people who have any wrestling knowledge, even if they have never followed OVW, knows about the company. Whether flying solo or being affiliated with TNA or WWE, OVW is still the best wrestling school in the world...the Harvard of Pro Wrestling. Yes, that means better than FCW/NXT is for WWE. Just look at OVW's track record and you will see that. Who are the main stars for WWE? Ryback, CM Punk, John Cena, Randy Orton, the Miz, Big Show, Kofi Kingston? Yep, all OVW alumni.
DeleteThanks for the excellent response. I too dislike the Mix Tape and from what I have seen through FB and other outlets, most of the virtual fans have also been giving it the “Thumbs Down.” No validation is required for OVW School. You are correct, it continues to receive accolades for it accomplishments and its alumni.
ReplyDeleteOVW is no longer flying solo. The brand recognition it is receiving from TNA, I believed has changed its fan demographic. This is good. As you are aware, there are many fans outside of the Louisville area who religiously tune into the weekly streams. And they want to see more. Hopefully the directors at OVW will embrace this concept and begin, for example, publishing House Event results, releasing DVD’s of some the dark matches and/or House Events, or create specialty DVDs or downloads, such as the Best of SNS or The Best of Femme Fatales. Even a fan feedback column on the website would be valuable. Regardless, I hope they continue to grow their business. They are still the best Indy Promotion. And they should be very thankful for what you do for them!
My first thought is they need to get a better website and keep it up to date.