is the OVW Top 20 for the week of November 27-December 3, 2012
exclusively on
OVWmania. After last week's TV and the huge December SNS, we have a lot of movement on this week's rankings. Who is the new #1?
CURRENT TITLES: OVW Heavyweight Champion
LAST WEEK: Defeated Crimson for the OVW Heavyweight Title at SNS.
LAST WEEK: Defeated Crimson for the OVW Heavyweight Title at SNS.
*The third time was the charm as Big Rob overcame the odds to defeat Crimson and win the OVW Heavyweight Championship. If slashed tires and a bad knee can't keep the Welsh Colossus down, who or what can?
#2) THE GUTCHECKERS: Sam Shaw & Alex Silva (Last Week: #3)
CURRENT TITLES: OVW Southern Tag Team Champions
LAST WEEK: Shaw defeated Switchblade on Wednesday; Silva defeated Godderz on Wednesday; Defeated the Best Team Ever at SNS for the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles.
LAST WEEK: Shaw defeated Switchblade on Wednesday; Silva defeated Godderz on Wednesday; Defeated the Best Team Ever at SNS for the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles.
& Silva set out to electrify at SNS, and they did just that. The Gutcheckers took the titles away from a team who had held them for the better part of 2012 and look to continue making an IMPACT in OVW.
#3) CRIMSON (Last Week: #1)
LAST WEEK: With Shiloh Jonze & VIP, defeated Tony Gunn, Paredyse, & Eddie Diamond on Wednesday; Lost the OVW Heavyweight Title to Rob Terry at SNS.
*Crimson was shocked to learn that Big Rob was coming to SNS after trying everything to stop him. He'll undoubtedly use his rematch clause and look for a way to weasel his way back to the title.
LAST WEEK: Defeated Jack Black by DQ on Wednesday; Defeated the Wild Cards, Jack Black, & Jason Wayne in a Gauntlet Match at SNS.
*If Moose had only defeated Jack Black, Shiloh Jonze, Raul LaMotta, or Jason Wayne in a one-on-one match, it would have been a good win. Moose took all 4 down, though, and showed why he is one to watch as he looks to get back in the title picture.
#5) JAMIN OLIVENCIA (Last Week: #11)
CURRENT TITLES: OVW Television Champion
LAST WEEK: Defeated Joe Coleman by DQ on Wednesday; Defeated Joe Coleman for the OVW Television Title at SNS.
LAST WEEK: Defeated Joe Coleman by DQ on Wednesday; Defeated Joe Coleman for the OVW Television Title at SNS.
had 3 straight wins over Joe Coleman heading into SNS, but the 4th one led to finally capturing the OVW TV Title for an 8th time. Jamin didn't have much of a celebration, however. Cliff Compton blasted him in the back with a crutch to send the message that he still considers himself TV Champion.
#6) DOUG WILLIAMS (Last Week: #13)
LAST WEEK: Defeated Elvis Pridemoore on Wednesday; Defeated Johnny Spade by DQ at SNS.
*Williams threw everything at Spade to keep him from using his best moves against him. Doug ended up eating a super kick anyway, but got the win. What's next for the master technician from the United Kingdom? Is his war over with Spade?
#7) "SMOOTH" JOHNNY SPADE (Last Week: #4)
LAST WEEK: Lost to Doug Williams by DQ at SNS.
*Spade should have read the contract more closely to see all the rules Doug Williams threw in for their match at SNS. Spade lost the match, but seemingly won the war. Is he satisfied, or does he want one more fight with the English grappler?
CURRENT TITLES: OVW Women's Champion
LAST WEEK: Defeated Jessie Belle on Wednesday; Defeated Taryn Terrell for the OVW Women's Title at SNS.
*Although it was a "stinky" way of winning the OVW Women's Title back, you have to give Taeler credit for pulling it off. Taeler is back on top of the Femme Fatale division, but let's hope she's got all the "resi-doo" out of her fiery red hair.
#9) THE BEST TEAM EVER: Rudy Switchblade & Jessie Godderz (Last Week: #5)
LAST WEEK: Rudy lost to Sam Shaw on Wednesday; Jessie lost to Alex Silva on Wednesday; Lost the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles to the Gutcheckers at SNS.
*The Best Team Ever may need a new team name. After dropping the titles to the Gutcheckers, they are learning what it's like to be second best. Will they cash in their rematch clause and try to take back the titles they have held for most of this past year?
#10) CLIFF COMPTON (Last Week: NR)
foot is apparently healed and he pops right back in to the Top 20 since
he fell out due to injury. He's eying Jamin Olivencia and the OVW
Television Title that he feels is rightfully his since he never actually
was defeated for it.
WEEK: Attacked Jamin Olivencia at SNS.
#11) JASON WAYNE (Last Week: #6)
WEEK: Lost to James "Moose" Thomas at SNS.
leader of the Platoon thought Operation Kill Moose was a success and got a little too cocky. He couldn't hide behind the foliage on his head when Moose came back and took him out with a full nelson slam for the win.
LAST WEEK: Lost to Jamin Olivencia by DQon Wednesday; Lost the OVW TV Title to Jamin Olivencia at SNS.

LAST WEEK: Lost the OVW Women's Title to Taeler Hendrix at SNS.
*Taeler Hendrix may have left Taryn "strapless", but at least she got a consolation prize in
seeing Taeler take a nosedive into the pool of doggy doo at SNS.
Will Taryn look to regain the gold or go back to refereeing the OVW
Femme Fatales and TNA Knockouts?
#14) MASCARA MAFIA: Paredyse & Espy (Last Week: #15)
LAST WEEK: Paredyse teamed with Tony Gunn & Eddie Diamond losing to Crimson, Shiloh Jonze, & VIP on Wednesday; Paredyse defeated VIP at SNS.
showing up as the POW's latest recruit, we haven't seen much in-ring
competition from the TNA veteran. He will need to come back with some
victories in order to move back up the Top 20.
#16) TONY GUNN (Last Week: #16)
LAST WEEK: Teamed with Paredyse & Eddie Diamond losing to Crimson,
Shiloh Jonze, & VIP on Wednesday; Teamed with Nick Dumeyer & Eddie Diamond defeating Bodyguy, Elvis, & the Assassin at SNS.
*Tony is quietly rising in the ranks as he picks up a tag win at SNS, although his opponents did all the work. The Assassin laid out his partners, giving an easy win to Gunn's team.
WEEK: Shiloh teamed with Crimson & VIP to defeat Paredyse, Tony Gunn, & Eddie Diamond on Wednesday; Lost to Moose in a gauntlet match at SNS.
*Crimson's Army was recruited by the Platoon to take out Moose, but failed in their mission to do so. They tried to ambush Rob Terry at SNS before the bell, but it didn't matter. They need to find a way to change their luck if they want to get in the title hunt against the Gutcheckers.
WEEK: Defeated Jeremiah Plunkett on Wednesday.
*Howe adds another "hit" to the charts as he picks up another win this past week. Can OVW's rocker from the Sunset Strip continue to hit all the right notes and move up the ranks?
#20) THE MOBILE HOMERS: Ted McNaler & Adam Revolver (Last Week: #10)
tell me that Ted & Adam have been at home helping "Momma" and that
is why they haven't been in action recently. When they return, they
should be fresh and ready to get back into the tag team title hunt.
-Trailer Park Trash
*If TPT stays in active competition against the mysterious masked man, he could very well end up in a future Top 20.
*EFD picked the bones of a fallen Bodyguy at SNS, but will need to do more to climb into the Top 20.
-Jack Black
*Black lost twice to Moose last week and even tried to assist Jason Wayne, but that didn't help either.
-Dylan Bostic
*Bostic wasn't in the ring as he was busy taking pictures of Taryn with his iPhone 5.
-"VIP" Joe Rosa
*VIP is always a threat, especially with Big Jose lurking around.
-Chris Silvio
*The Psychedelic Superstar was still missing in action, but knows how to make an entrance. We're sure he'll be back soon.
***Thanks to "Mr. SC" for his votes/contributions to this week's rankings.***
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