This is the OVW Report for Thursday, August 23, 2018. This episode can be seen on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area on Saturday at 9PM, and online at OVW TV. In this special Kentucky State Fair episode, Tommy Dreamer faces Tony Gunn in a preliminary match for the Grand Tournament, Jax Dane faces Jay Bradley in a preliminary match, plus more!
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:

Order of elimination: Dimes, Chace Destiny, Ashton Cove, Nigel Winters, Houdini, Colton Cage, DL3, Shiloh Jonze, KTD, Dustin Jackson, BGB, William Lutz, Dapper Dan, Apollo, leaving the Mexicutioner & Crimson.
They exchange blows, and Mex tosses Crimson, but Crimson holds on. Crimson pulls him over to the apron. They exchange blows, but Crimson hits him with a low blow and pushes him off for the win.
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. I always recommend watching the episode first on TV or online before reading the rest of the report. Again, you can check it out on WBNA-21 in the Louisville area Saturdays at 11AM and 9PM (check local listings) and on OVW's official website Mondays at OVW TV.
Gilbert Corsey, Shannon the Dude, & Ted McNaler are on commentary, and Brittany & Mercy are the ring announcers.
GRAND TOURNAMENT PRELIMINARY MATCH: Jax Dane defeats Jay Bradley. Gilbert Corsey tells us before the match that Crimson & Jax made a bet. Jax said he would give Crimson $1000 if he couldn't win in 5 minutes. They lock up into the corner. They run into each other and neither man budges. Jax takes Jay down. Jay back up, misses a boomstick, and Jax plows him down. Jax with some belly to back suplexes, and Jay takes a breather outside. Jay gets him in the corner and kicks the leg. Jax fires back, but Jay pokes his eye and clubs him across the back. He chops him in the corner. They exchange forearm shots, then Jax chops Jay. He throws him to the corner, but Jay moves, and Jax goes shoulder first into the ringpost. Jay hits him on the outside, then rolls him in. Jay elbows the leg and works it over. Jay drags him to the side of the ring and hits his leg across the ring apron. He drags him out and goes to hit his head, but Jax blocks it. Jay grabs the leg as Jax goes to get in, and elbows it more. Jay locks in the Figure Four leglock. Jay grabs the ropes for leverage. Jax turns it over and Jay grabs the ropes. Jay goes right back after the leg, wrapping it in the ropes and stomping it. Jay gets him up for a slam, then works the leg some more. Jay charges in the corner, but Jax grabs him and htis him with a belly to back suplex. Jax elbows him and clotheslines him. He gets him on the shoulders, but Jay slides off and kicks the leg. Jay goes for a Boomstick, but Jax catches him with a clothesline. Jax charges, but Jay knees him and hits the Boomstick for 2 as Jax gets his foot on the bottom rope. Jax with a running headbutt. He hits a Samoan drop, then spears him and gets the 3!
Gilbert Corsey is in the ring and brings out Cali. She is smarter than everyone in OVW and everyone watching. They are going to play "Are You Smarter Than a Cali?".
Gilbert picks a 15-year old boy and he gets all 4 questions right. Cali accuses Gilbert of telling him the answers. She says she is still the smartest woman here and says it's not Meg.
Meg runs out and attacks her.
Jaylee comes out and attacks Meg, then Katie Forbes runs out and attacks Jaylee. Meg & Katie run Jaylee & Cali off.
OVW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: OVW Anarchy Champion "The Leading Man & Star of the Show" Billy O (c) vs. "The Boy Wonder" Sam Thompson. Billy knees Sam, then plows him down off the ropes. Off the ropes again, Sam drop toeholds him. He splashes him in the corner and takes him down. Billy rolls out. Sam goes to dive out, but Billy forearms him. Back inside, Billy runs into a boot. He charges back with a clothesline for 2. He locks in a headlock and tells Sam to give up. Sam elbows out, but Billy clubs him down. Billy hits him with a big boot for 2. He smacks him in the face and throws him to the corner. He misses the high knee. Sam with a chinbuster and a clothesline. He runs into a boot. Sam is thrown out, but holds onto the apron. He kicks Billy in the head and hits a flying body press for 2. Sam charges back with a jumping DDT for 2.
Abyss & Amon charge the ring and destroy both men. They splash them in opposite corners and Amon hits Billy with the STH. Abyss says the road to 1000 will continue to be marked with destruction until he gets his title back!
Randall Floyd runs out and attacks them both. He tells Abyss that he got word from Dean Hill that the road to 1000 has to go through him tonight!
STATE FAIR STREET FIGHT: "Wrestling's Rockstar" Ryan Howe defeats "The Trinidad Titan" Justin Smooth. Howe attacks Smooth as he enters, but Smooth comes right back and hits a press slam. Howe hits him with an uppercut and goes up top, but Smooth bicycle kicks him off the top to the outside. He sets up a table and throws in some chairs. Howe pokes him in the eyes and dumps the table over. He hits Smooth with a forearm in the corner. He charges again and Smooth catches him with a spinebuster for 2. Smooth hits him in the corner after setting the table up in the opposite corner. Howe blocks a throw to it, then kicks Smooth. He can't suplex him, and instead Smooth back body drops him. Howe hits him and takes off his belt and whips Smooth, but Smooth hits him and grabs the belt. He whips Howe in the back and Howe runs out. He grabs a chair and Smooth catches him on the outside and kicks him. Howe shoves him into the ringpost. Howe gets the chair and hits Smooth in the side. He hits him across the back and goes for the pin for 2. Howe goes out and takes a high heel off Brittany. Brittany gets in and fights with him to get it back. Smooth moves her out of the way, and turns into a kick below the belt from Howe. Howe pins him with his feet on the ropes for the 3 and the win.
Gilbert Corsey is in the ring and brings out Al Snow, accompanied by Nova. He says episode #1000 will be held at 4th Street Live and be broadcast live on pay-per-view via the Fite TV app. He says "Hurricane" Helms, Billy Gunn, Tommy Dreamer, Abyss, the War Kings, and more names still to come will be there!
Amon (w/Abyss & "The Void": Chace Destiny, Houdini, & Nigel Winters) defeats "The Real Deal" Randall Floyd. Abyss says he never said it was him when he agreed to the match, and Amon attacks Floyd from behind. Floyd fires away on the Demon, but gets tripped off the ropes by the Void. Floyd back with a picture perfect dropkick. With the ref distracted by the Void, Abyss clubs Floyd from behind. Amon takes him down for a 2. He chops Floyd in the corner and Chace hits him from the outside. Amon chokes him with his boot. Off the ropes, Floyd tries a sunset flip. Amon sits down for 2. He chokes Floyd in the ropes and Nigel hits him. Amon tosses him out and he gets choked against the railing by the Void. Floyd catches Amon off the ropes, but misses an elbow drop. He throws Floyd hard into the corner and delivers a sidewalk slam for 2. He locks him in a submission. Floyd fights back, but another Void distraction leads to Abyss hitting Floyd with a chokeslam from the apron. Amon then hits Floyd with the STH for the 3.
Abyss grabs the mic and asks Dean Hill if that's the best he has to offer. If that was supposed to be a roadblock, it was nothing more than a speed bump. Let the carnage continue on the road to 1000.
Cali & OVW Women's Champion Jaylee defeat Katie Forbes & Meg. Katie plows Cali into the corner and shoulders her. She catches a double boot and kicks her in the back. She delivers a split-legged legdrop for 2. Cali splashes her in the corner, but Katie comes back with a rollup for 2. She locks the arm and tags Meg. Cali breaks free and tags Jaylee. She tries to clothesline Meg, but doesn't budge her. Meg slams her, then throws her into the corner. Jaylee moves from a charge and Cali & Jaylee take control for a bit. Meg gets the hot tag and Katie fires away on both. She hits a scissor kick on Jaylee, then a press Samoan slam. Cali breaks the pin, and Meg runs in and spears her. They fight outside which has the ref distracted. Jaylee knocks Katie out from behind with the title and gets the 3.
Big Zo & "The Bro Godz": Colton Cage & Dustin Jackson vs. DL3, Shiloh Jonze, & Dre Blitz. Colton with the early control. The Bros hit Bro 69 on DL3 for 2. Shiloh runs in to some arm drags and a splash from Colton in the corner. Dustin hits a dropkick, then Colton hits the scissor kick. The ref is distracted. Shiloh jumps on Dustin's back from behind. Zo tags in, so Shiloh tags out to Blitz. Blitz runs into Zo, but doesn't budge him. Zo fires away and hits the spinning kick. DL3 runs into a brick wall and Zo slings him across the ring. Shiloh tags in and runs into a brick wall also. Zo splashes him in the corner and hits a fall away slam. DL3 jumps in on Zo's back and Blitz takes out the knee.
Amon & Abyss run out and destroy everyone again.
GRAND TOURNAMENT PRELIMINARY MATCH: "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer defeats "Shotgun" Tony Gunn. Gunn locks up the arm and Dreamer reverses. Gunn reverses back and takes Tommy down. Off the ropes, Gunn takes Tommy down, but Tommy trips him and locks the arm up. Gunn knees him. Tommy sends him off the ropes and delivers a hip toss, followed by huge lefts. He kicks Tommy, but runs into a bionic elbow. Tommy stomps on his fingers and hits his head off the barricade. He spits someone's drink in Gunn's face. Gunn is back in and Tommy looks to suplex Gunn to the outside. Gunn blocks it and takes control. He leaps on Tommy in the ropes and then stomps him in the corner. Gunn chops him, then throws him hard into the corner. Tommy fires back, but Gunn retains control. Gunn hits the leaping knee off the top rope for 2. Gunn goes up, but misses an elbow drop. Dreamer clotheslines Gunn and hits the 10-punches in the corner and bites him. He hits a running cutter for 2. Tommy misses a DDT. Off the ropes, Tommy goes for a piledriver, but Gunn drops him and locks in the sharpshooter. Dreamer gets to the ropes. Tommy gets him in an inside cradle for 2. Gunn takes him down and goes for the leaping knee, but Tommy hits him in the midsection. He hits the Dreamer Driver for 2 as Gunn gets his foot on the ropes. Dreamer pulls out a table and sets it up in the corner.
Amon & Abyss try to interfere again, but Tommy & Gunn are able to eliminate them temporarily. Gunn hits the reverse DDT for 2. Dreamer comes back and hits his finisher for the 3.
After the match, Abyss chokeslams Dreamer on the table!
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