at the Davis Arena, we had many fatal 4 way matches for opportunities to enter late (spots 26-29) in the Nightmare Rumble, as well as the dreaded #1 spot. We also had a bet between Johnny Spade & Jamin Olivencia on who was better.
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Taeler Hendrix (w/Dylan Bostic) b. Epiphany. A humorous spot early on as Taeler tried to clothesline Epiphany, but didn't even budge her. Taeler tried to regroup outside the ring and while on the ring apron, Epiphany knocked her off and Dylan failed to catch her, causing her to get up and yell at and slap him. She got back in to more offense from Epiphany, but Dylan got on the ring apron distracting Epiphany. Taeler was able to win with a roll-up while holding the ropes. MY
TAKE: Although it wasn't a title match, Taeler continues to hold on strong to the Women's Championship. Will she have to defend at SNS?
Fabiano Rolento & Raphael Constantine b. Eddie Diamond & Elvis Pridemoore (w/"The Hype Man" Timmy Danger). Fabiano started off with Diamond as he showed off his karate skills. A little back and forth between the two before they each tagged in their partners. Constantine & Elvis went at it, and Elvis took the advantage after Danger tripped Constantine. Elvis tagged Diamond back in, and he worked over Constantine until a tag to Fabiano. Fabiano took the fight to Diamond, and was able to hit a finisher for the win. MY
TAKE: Strange pairings in this matchup, but I didn't care. I got to wear my sombrero and watch Fabiano get a victory!
That concludes tonight's pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show
first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the
main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before
reading my report. You can find the shows online at
Johnny Spade's music hits to start off the main show and he takes a mic to remind everyone of his big 30-minute battle with Jamin Olivencia at SNS. He talks about being the greatest OVW Heavyweight Champion, which brings Jamin out. Jamin says Spade is not the greatest and he will prove it when he beats him not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, but 10 times during their Iron Man Match at SNS and becomes the greatest Heavyweight Champion of all-time. Spade says he seems to have a lot of confidence, so instead of waiting for SNS, how about they see who the greatest is tonight. He says each of them will pick an opponent for the other, and the one who beats their opponent the fastest will win the "Pick Your Poison/Beat the Clock" challenge. Jamin seems unsure, but agrees.
In the back, Trailer Park Trash is trying to explain tonight's fatal 4 way matches, but it's not until Josie screams that everyone quiets down so he can explain. There will be 4 fatal 4 way matches for spots 26, 27, 28, and 29. The losers of those 4 matches will compete in a second fatal 4 way match, where the loser of that match will get the unlucky #1 spot.

Backstage, we see the
Mobile Homers drinking their "rocket fuel" again, and Brittany DeVore comes in and asks what they are doing. Ted says there is only room for one of them in the fatal 4 way matches tonight, and whoever the last man standing is gets to compete. Adam drinks himself silly and falls over, so Ted who can barely walk himself will compete tonight. We then see Jamin Olivencia on the phone asking someone for a favor. He promises them if they help him out tonight, they will get the first shot at the Heavyweight Title after he wins at SNS.
Fatal 4 Way Match for Spot #27 in the Nightmare Rumble: "The Manbeast" Ted McNaler vs. Cliff Compton vs. "The Double R Superstar" Randy Royal vs. Michael Hayes. Ted is tipsy as he makes his entrance. Cliff's music goes off, but he never comes out. We see him in the back saying he's got a match as wrestlers hold back Silvio who is trying to attack him with a chair. Cliff still never made it out, so this was essentially a triple threat match. Once the bell rung, Ted passed out in the corner. Royal & Hayes locked up and went back and forth. Royal tried to hit the Royal Treatment, but Hayes blocked it. Ted got a sudden burst of energy and came back to life. He charged after Hayes, but he moved, and Ted speared Royal. Ted got back up and Hayes hit him with the kneebuster for the win. WINNER: HAYES by pinfall. MY
VIEW: Michael didn't let the loss of the tag team titles get him down as he gets a prime spot to succeed in the Nightmare Rumble, where winning would get him one step closer to his childhood dream of becoming OVW Heavyweight Champion.
In the back, Crimson is talking to the Wild Cards. He says that he might be new around the locker room, but he can tell that they aren't getting the opportunities they deserve. Raul says he got dressed for nothing, as they didn't get a shot in the fatal 4 ways. Crimson mentions Rob Terry and tells them they have an opportunity to make a statement against him tonight. We then see Johnny Spade talking to Alex Silva, who will be Jamin's opponent for tonight in the beat-the-clock challenge.
Fatal 4 Way Match for Spot #28 in the Nightmare Rumble: Chris Silvio (w/Mo Green & Mary Jane) vs. Tony Gunn (w/Ralphie) vs. Dylan Bostic vs. Rob Terry. Bostic is now coming out to Justin Bieber's "Boyfriend" for his entrance music. As he was standing in front of the curtain, Terry's music hit and he stormed out grabbing Bostic and flinging him into the ring. Terry was on a path of destruction as he took out Gunn & Silvio once he got in the ring. Silvio, Bostic, & Gunn tried to triple team him, but Terry was too strong and continued fighting them off. Bostic & Gunn were both down, as Terry went to suplex Silvio by the ropes. The Wild Cards had snuck out and they each grabbed a leg of Big Rob causing him to fall with Silvio on top of him. Raul & Shiloh continued holding Terry's massive tree trunk legs down allowing Silvio to get the pin. WINNER: SILVIO by pinfall. MY VIEW: The Wild Cards made a statement again at the expense of Big Rob. If he finds out who's responsible, though, I would hate to be in their shoes.
Fatal 4 Way Match for Spot #29 in the Nightmare Rumble: Jason Wayne vs. Ryan Howe vs. "The Leg Breaker" Rocco Bellagio (w/Chris Bolin) vs. Crimson. Crimson told Wayne & Rocco they should all go after Howe. Rocco & Wayne attacked Howe, but Crimson stayed back. Howe kept fighting back as Crimson stayed out of the way. Crimson went to the middle rope, and when Howe turned around, Crimson jumped off and "hurt" his knee. He rolled out of the ring as Wayne & Rocco double teamed Howe. The big men of BS 2.0 worked over Howe and delivered a double chokeslam, but then argued with Bolin on who should get the pin. While they were arguing, Crimson snuck back in to get the pin. WINNER: CRIMSON by pinfall. MY
VIEW: If Crimson has proved anything since joining the OVW roster, it's that he has the ability to play mind games and walk out on top.
Fatal 4 Way Match where the Loser gets Spot #1 in the Nightmare Rumble: Rudy Switchblade vs. "The Manbeast" Ted McNaler vs. Ryan Howe vs. Rob Terry. If Rob Terry was mad before, he was through the roof as he made his way out this time. He destroyed everyone in his path, including his former "Family" member, Rudy Switchblade. Ted was still drunk, and he took a swing at Terry, but missed and fell to the mat. Later on, Terry charged after Rudy & Howe, but they ducked, and Ted held down the top rope which sent Terry to the outside. Crimson made his way out to "scout" again. He walked over to the announce table where Ron Hed & Gilbert Corsey were sitting and took the hammer for the ringbell. While Ted & Howe were fighting in one corner, Rudy was trying to use the ropes to get back to his feet. Crimson went over and nailed Rudy in the head with the hammer, knocking him out. Terry got up and Crimson motioned for him to get in the ring. Terry looked confused as he picked up the hammer laying beside Rudy's unconscious body. The referee turned to see Rudy knocked out and Terry with the hammer, and called for a disqualification. WINNER: SWITCHBLADE
by DQ. MY
VIEW: Crimson's mind games continued here as he tries to stack the deck to his advantage for the Nightmare Rumble. Can Big Rob outlast all the other competitors in the Nightmare Rumble now that he has to enter at #1?
Pick Your Poison/Beat the Clock Challenge: Jamin Olivencia vs. Alex Silva. Silva and Jamin exchanged blows and went back and forth quite a bit. Silva took the advantage and went for the Silva Surfer, but Jamin reversed it into the Standing O for the pin. WINNER: JAMIN by pinfall in 3:45. MY
TAKE: A good, but too quick match from two of the top competitors in OVW. Jamin seems ready to roll at SNS.
Pick Your Poison/Beat the Clock Challenge: "Smooth" Johnny Spade vs. Jack Black (w/Chris Bolin). Spade yelled at Jamin that he picked the biggest guy in the locker room, but with his back turned, it allowed Black to attack from behind and take the advantage. Black pummeled Spade with big blows, until Spade slid out of a slam attempt and was nailed with the Spade Kick. Spade had the 1-2, but Jamin pulled the ref out of the ring. Spade again was distracted by Jamin's presence at ringside, and it allowed Black to get back up and take down the champ for the pin. WINNER: BLACK by pinfall. MY
TAKE: Jamin got the best of Spade tonight, but will the same happen at SNS? Will we have a new OVW Heavyweight Champion, or will Spade once again have the winning hand?
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Arik Kristopher b. VIP. Kind of a sleeper for the fans who stuck around. VIP has a decent build. AK started off strong, but couldn't lock in the crossface. VIP took control for a little while, but couldn't get the pin. AK made his comeback and was able to reverse a move from VIP into the crossface for a tapout. MY
TAKE: AK has a good moveset, but his size may hinder him.
Before the feature main event for the live crowd, "Bodyguy" Max Wolfgang came out to show off his goods, but before he could, the Assassin's music hit. The Assassin came out and cornered Bodyguy, but Ricky Chevy ran in with a chair and nailed him in the back. Assassin went down, but sat right back up (think Kane or 'Taker) and went after Chevy. Chevy was cornered, but Bodyguy jumped on the back of the Assassin, which allowed Chevy to escape. Bodyguy got a massive clothesline for his troubles, knocking him out. After the Assassin left, "Street King" J. Best came out and stole Bodyguy's shoes.
forget to watch the episode online. It should be a very interesting Saturday Night Special with the 30-minute Iron Man Match between Johnny Spade & Jamin Olivencia, as well as the Nightmare Rumble. Also, don't forget about my weekly
Top 20 and other special reports. And as always, thanks
for reading!
Nice show! Jamin Olivencia vs Alex Silva was great!