at the Davis Arena, Rob Terry was searching for Crimson, Alex Silva defended the OVW TV Title, the tag team division remains hot, the Femme Fatales were in action, and it was possibly the final night for the "Starmaker" Kenny Bolin..
Without further ado:
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Match:
Adam Revolver (w/Ted McNaler & Brittany Devore) b. Jeremiah Plunkett. Plunkett called Adam a skinny punk and threw him down a couple times. He put Adam in a headlock and worked him over for a bit. Brittany gave Adam the rocket fuel, and he took a swig and came back on fire. He hit a dropkick and finished him off with a russian leg sweep for the pin. MY
TAKE: The rocket fuel helps again as the Mobile Homers look toward their future encounter with the Best Team Ever.
That was tonight's only pre-show dark match. I always suggest watching
the show first before reading my full report. You can find the shows
posted online late Thursday afternoons/evenings at
Rob Terry is fuming about what happened last week and says Crimson has finally been exposed as the weasel that he is and calls him out. He keeps yelling for him, but there is no response. Terry doesn't care if he has to wait in the ring all night, he wants Crimson. Finally, Trailer Park Trash's music hits and he comes out followed by Josie. He says he understands his frustration, but he can't have the show held up, and Terry has his shot at SNS, so he needs him to leave the ring. Terry doesn't look pleased, but finally goes back to the back.
In the back, we see Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade discussing a "Captain's Match" for tonight, and which one of them should compete as the captain of their team. Jessie says he knows a way they can settle it. Crimson walks by and the Best Team Ever tells him that Big Rob is looking for him. Crimson said he's not hard to find. A moment later, Big Rob walks by and asks if they have seen Crimson. They tell him they just saw him walk by and point which direction he was going.
We then see Mo Green discussing Chris Silvio's condition with Brittany Devore saying he has a concussion and lacerations when Cliff Compton walks in. Mo gets up in Cliff's face, and it looks like Cliff is going to hit him when Moose walks in and stands in front of Mo. Cliff says he doesn't have a problem and says they're friends, but Moose wants a match later tonight. Cliff says he'll see him out there.
Tony Gunn vs. Doug Williams.
Another good wrestling showcase involving Doug Williams. Gunn got in a bit of offense early, and there were several reversals. Williams took control for a bit, before momentum shifted back to Tony. Tony hit the airplane spin and set up for the bearhug, but Williams reversed it and hit Chaos Theory for the win. WINNER: Williams by pinfall. MY
VIEW: Williams proves why wrestling matters once again. A very good showing from him and Tony Gunn.
In the back, we see Jessie Godderz paying off Dylan Bostic for a bra. Apparently, sneaking in to the ladies' locker room was the way they were deciding on who would be team captain. Rudy walks up and Jessie shows him the bra and says it's his turn. Rudy creeps in to the ladies' locker room, but is caught by Epiphany who attacks him and runs him out. As she is leaving, she just happens to shut the door and hit the lights. There is a mysterious silhouette on the wall...
Terry is still in the locker room area searching for Crimson. He comes up on Johnny Spade and asks if he's seen him. He says he hasn't, but is glad Terry has finally seen the light. They go off to look for Crimson. Crimson then walks out of another door with the Wild Cards telling them how he can hook them up with certain things.
Jason Wayne's music hits and he comes out with Chris Bolin. He talks about how the military used to have a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, but that's been erased and he doesn't like it. He then focuses his attention on ring announcer Ron Hed and makes him shine his boots again before making him do pushups. He yells at Hed to get out of his ring, and then makes referee Josh Ashcraft do pushups as well. He finally calls for his opponent...
Jason Wayne (w/Chris Bolin) vs. Elvis Pridemoore. Elvis comes in on fire, but is quickly taken down by Wayne. Wayne hits a powerslam, does his pushups on Elvis' neck, and then puts him in the armlock submission for the tapout victory. WINNER: WAYNE by submission. MY
TAKE: Wayne is disrespecting everyone, but his reference to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" seems like he's targeting someone in particular. Will Wayne end up with an "Espy"? (No, not the ESPN award).
OVW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: "The Jacked Knight" Joe Coleman (w/Chris Bolin) vs. Alex Silva (c). Silva had the early advantage until it looked like he tweaked his knee. Coleman took his knee out from behind him and focused on it for a while. Coleman worked over the knee with stomps to it and submission moves. Silva fought back kicking Coleman's shoulder to break a submission. Silva got back up and hit Coleman with a dropkick. He nailed the Silva Surfer to pick up the win. WINNER
and still OVW TV CHAMPION: SILVA by pinfall. MY
TAKE: Silva continues to prove how good he can be by overcoming a tweaked knee during the match to pick up another win. The "Prince" didn't appear too happy with Coleman's loss...something to watch.
"Mr. Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderz vs. "The Manbeast" Ted McNaler (w/Brittany Devore). This was the captain's match. Ted quickly went for several rollups, throwing Jessie off his game. Jessie went to the outside and Ted threw his shirt at him. Jessie threw it back and Ted went to pick it up as well as the ref. While Ted's back was turned, Jessie snuck back in and attacked him from behind. Brittany was upset about something and got up on the ring apron talking to the ref. Jessie took advantage of the situation by tossing Ted out of the ring over the top rope. He told the ref to count. Later in the match with Jessie & Ted both on the top rope in the corner, Rudy came out to ringside and accidentally made Godderz lose his balance after shaking the ropes. Ted went for the pin, but Jessie kicked out, and Rudy wiped the sweat off his head. He later tried to help by stealing the hammer for the ringbell. Jessie argued and said he didn't want that, he wanted the title belt. Rudy finally went to get the belt and hand it to Jessie, but during all this Ted got back to his feet and before Jessie could take the belt, he turned around into a spear. WINNER: MCNALER by pinfall. MY
TAKE: The way things look at the moment, the Mobile Homers could soon be the next tag team champions. Jessie & Rudy have totally lost their in-ring chemistry.
In the back, wrestlers and referees are having to keep Crimson & Rob Terry apart. Trash tells Terry this isn't going to happen tonight and throws him out of the building. Crimson walks off and says that this is not how a champion should be treated.
Cliff Compton vs. James "Moose" Thomas (w/Mo Green). Cliff kept trying to talk his way out of the match, but Moose didn't care to hear him. Moose attacked him with 3 powerful clotheslines and knocked him out of the ring. Cliff shoved Mo, and Mo pushed him back. Cliff started chasing Mo around the ring, and Moose was in pursuit behind them. Mo ran inside the ring, and Cliff was right behind and caught him. Moose got in and Cliff threw Mo into Moose. Moose had his back turned making sure Mo got back out of the ring safely. Cliff came up from behind and got a quick rollup for the win.
WINNER: COMPTON by pinfall. MY
TAKE: Cliff has become very sneaky and picks up a big win over a big man in Moose. When Silvio recovers, will he be able to put an end to Cliff's tricks?
As the taping was apparently coming to an end, Dean Hill got animated at the announce table exclaiming that something was going on in the parking lot. A moment later, Rob Terry & Crimson came brawling into the arena through the side door. They went back and forth hitting each other with chair shots, ramming each other into the ring, throwing each other into the poles, etc. They both got in the ring where they exchanged blows as refs tried to get them to stop.
Terry got up and as Crimson got up, Terry ran and speared Crimson's knee. Terry was sent out as officials worked on Crimson and ended up stretchering him out.
This ended the TV taping.
intermission, Dean Hill said he had something special for Kenny Bolin. He said for those not familiar with the business, the area where the superstars get ready to make their entrance is referred to as the "Gorilla" position. He said to thank Kenny for his 15+ years in OVW, they would now refer to it as the "Bolin" position. Everyone gave Kenny a nice round of applause as the Assassin's music hit. The Assassin walked up to Bolin and shook hands and hugged him. Poor Austin Bradley happened to be behind the Assassin, and was taken out with another massive clothesline when the Assassin turned around.
***SIDE NOTE: Kenny has had a lot going on his personal life lately and said he doesn't know when (or if) he might be back. He said he's hoping at best he'll be back within 3-6 months, and said not to take anything away from Jerry "the King" Lawler, but if he was to die anywhere, it would be at the announce table with Dean Hill. He said love him or hate him, he appreciates everyone and hopes this isn't goodbye, so that everyone will be ready to welcome him back when and if he does come back.***
***SIDE NOTE: Kenny has had a lot going on his personal life lately and said he doesn't know when (or if) he might be back. He said he's hoping at best he'll be back within 3-6 months, and said not to take anything away from Jerry "the King" Lawler, but if he was to die anywhere, it would be at the announce table with Dean Hill. He said love him or hate him, he appreciates everyone and hopes this isn't goodbye, so that everyone will be ready to welcome him back when and if he does come back.***
I would personally like to send a shoutout to the "Starmaker" Mr. Bolin. I hope everything works out for him and we do see him sooner than later. I've met him a couple times outside of OVW and he is truly a great guy. One of my favorite memories was when I met him years ago at the Kentucky State Fair when he was still managing Bolin Services. At the time, his main two "clients" were Rico Constantino and "The Prototype" who we all know and love as John Cena. They were super nice, even though they were the "bad guys" at the time and I will never forget interacting with them. Good luck with everything Mr. Bolin and we hope to see you soon!
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Sam Shaw b. "Bodyguy" Max Wolfgang. Bodyguy said he is done posing for now, and has issued an open challenge for anyone in the back. Shaw answers the challenge, and quickly takes Bodyguy down before going up top to hit the cannonball leg drop for a quick win. MY
TAKE: Shaw has looked impressive since his debut in OVW. How long before he starts working his way up the ranks and looks for gold?
Jessie Belle b. Taeler Hendrix (w/Dylan Bostic). This match was mainly controlled by Taeler who didn't care for our chants of "Where's Your Belt?". She stuck her fingers in her ears and went "La-La-La". Taeler got a little too cocky and after talking to Dylan, turned around and was rolled up in a small package for the quick pin! Of course, Taeler was upset and blamed Dylan for not being there as she yelled at him and hit him again. MY
TAKE: Jessie Belle finally got back on the winning track as Taeler continues to stumble. Does Dylan really like putting up with her abuse, both verbally and physically?
Rob Terry & "Smooth" Johnny Spade b. Bolin Services 2.0: Jason Wayne & "The Leg Breaker" Rocco Bellagio (w/Joe Coleman & Chris Bolin). Spade started out with Wayne, but Wayne knocked him down. Rocco wanted some and did the same. Rocco tagged Wayne back in, but Spade tagged in Terry. Wayne tried to take Terry off his feet, but Terry took him down. Wayne tagged in Rocco, who didn't look pleased. Rocco came in and Terry wored on his arm and tagged in Spade. Spade came in and took over, but Rocco took him down and tagged Wayne in. The two big men worked over Spade for a bit before Spade & Wayne double clotheslined each other. They both tagged in their partners, and Terry came in and took both Wayne & Rocco down with clotheslines before chokeslamming both of them at the same time and pinning Rocco for the win. MY
TAKE: Big Rob is on a path of destruction as he heads toward SNS and his shot at the OVW Heavyweight Title...that is, if Crimson can compete....
forget to watch the episode online starting tomorrow. Also,
don't forget about my weekly
Top 20 and other special reports. And as always, thanks
for reading!
Wow! Thanks for the postings. I knew something was up, because I usually start checking for your results at 6:00 PM my time and they still were not posted. Events such as this make me wish that I didn’t live 4500 miles away. In regards to the individual who has been requesting House Show results. I suggest email or FB message Terry Brodie, The Fan Advocate. I have sent him inquiries before and he does respond. A couple of inquiries for you. Where is Ali Vaez? No longer at OVW? And Taeler’s fans, from what have been reading, really have their arms up the air. The question is, what does OVW have planned for her? Her, OVW and Bostic proved the heel formula worked, and it appeared that she was a ratings magnet at events and in DVD sales. So why has she been de-regulated to dark matches? Rumors and speculations abound, but many feel that she will retake the belt at the November SNS. Also, your comments about Mr. Brolin were very kind. Do you know what is going on?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, Ali is simply on vacation and will return.
DeleteAs for Taeler, they might just be going in a different direction. Maybe the losing streak will turn into something bigger for her character. I'm sure her time as champ will come around again. I think having a fresh champ in Heidi is good, it keeps the product from going stale.
As far as the Starmaker, Mr. Bolin has had some known health issues as well as his grandmother recently passing away. He just has a lot going on in his personal life. I hope everything works out and we will see him again at Davis Arena sometime in the near future.