OVWmania features live reports every week on the best independent wrestling promotion in the world, Ohio Valley Wrestling. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, this is where the future happens, and has for nearly 30 years. Since “Nightmare” Danny Davis founded OVW in 1993, the company has had a hand in the training of John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Batista, Mickie James, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Shawn Spears, Bobby Lashley, The Miz, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Mr. Kennedy, Brian Myers, Matt Cardona, Shelton Benjamin, Beth Phoenix, Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, Ruby Soho, Mark Henry, and many more!
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Thursday, June 28, 2012
OVWmania Congratulates IMPACT's Newest Knockout
If you follow OVW, but do not follow TNA's IMPACT Wrestling, you may have missed what's been happening in their GutCheck segments. They are giving wrestlers from all over the world the opportunity to win TNA contracts by competing in matches and being voted on by a panel of judges that include a former World Champion and TNA color commentator, Taz, as well as Bruce Prichard, and TNA's Talent Relations Manager and former superstar, Al Snow. It just so happens that 2 out of the first 3 competitors are some of OVW's bright young stars, Alex Silva & Taeler Hendrix. After tonight's IMPACT, Taeler joins Alex as the newest addition to the IMPACT roster. Even though she hasn't been getting the most delightful reception lately in OVW, we would like to congratulate Taeler on her accomplishment.
OVW Report: TV #671 "Pre-Fourth Fireworks"

Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
TV Title Tournament Match: Tony Gunn b. Jay Freddie. This was the first appearance for Freddie, and he looked good and controlled early. One mistake led to an airplane spin, bearhug, and a huge alabama slam for the win by Gunn. Following the match, Raphael Constantine snuck out to clock Gunn with Ralphie, but Nick Dumeyer ran out and got Gunn's attention, and a chase ensued around the ring, but Constantine was able to run to the back with Ralphie still in hand. MY TAKE: Gunn was able to stay focused on this match, but how long will his streak continue without Ralphie?
Loco-MG (Shiloh Jonze & "Rudo" Raul LaMotta) b. The Punisher and partner. The 2nd team debuted here also, and I only caught one name. Shiloh & Raul controlled for the most part, and won with a double-team finisher. MY TAKE: I've been thinking that we could see a heel turn by Rudo soon, and later on in the show I had a stronger feeling.
TV Title Tournament Match: James "Moose" Thomas (w/Mickey McMichael) b. Eddie Diamond (w/Timmy Danger). Basically a squash for Moose. The size advantage was laughable for Moose. He won with a big boot. Following the match, Danger tried to jump on Moose's back, but Mickey got in the ring, grabbed him off and gave him a stunner. MY TAKE: Moose has been on fire. What will be next for the biggest free agent in the business?
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Monday, June 25, 2012
OVWmania Presents: OVW Top 20 (Week 7)
is the seventh edition of the OVW Top 20 exclusively on OVWmania. Which stars made an impact this week, and which ones tumbled down the list?
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
OVW Report: TV #670 "Tag Team Turmoil"

Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Moose & Michael Hayes (w/Mickey McMichael) b. Sean "Virus" Harddrive & ?. I missed the name of Virus' partner, but this was essentially a squash. Michael was wrestling without his prosthetic tonight, and we found out later that it broke on him, so he couldn't use it. Moose & Michael delivered their double-team finisher on Virus for the victory. MY TAKE: At this point, I was thinking Moose & Michael might be building up to a tag team title match. Later, I thought different...you'll see why.
Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies) b. Fabiano Rolento. Rolento actually controlled most of this match which featured many comedy spots including him dancing with Constantine, asking the ladies if they had the "STD", and going up to the top rope, then the middle, bottom, and then laying down beside Constantine to deliver an elbow drop, because he was afraid to jump too high. After a distraction by the ladies, Constantine clocked Fabiano with Ralphie the bear knocking him unconscious. MY TAKE: There was no Tony Gunn tonight, but I'm sure he's still watching and waiting to get Ralphie back.
"Smooth" Johnny Spade b. Eddie Diamond (w/Timmy Danger). Essentially another squash, where Spade laid some nasty chops on Diamond and finished him off with the superkick. MY TAKE: It looks like the Smooth One is ready for SNS.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
OVW TV #670 Preview: Who Will Be Chosen Next?
Team OVW vs. Team Jo-VW continues this Wednesday night at the Davis Arena! 4400 Shephersdsville Road in Louisville with belltime at 7:15PM, doors open at 6:30PM. We already know that the "Smooth" One, Johnny Spade, is the #1 pick for Danny Davis' team, but who will Josette & Mr. Davis choose next to be on their teams for control of OVW at the July SNS?

Ted McNaler says his feud with his brother, Adam Revolver, will end once and for all!
Who else will enter the tournament for the vacated Television Title?
Monday, June 18, 2012
OVWmania Presents: OVW Top 20 (Week 6)
is the sixth edition of the OVW Top 20 exclusively on OVWmania. After
this past week's events, was Rob Terry able to stay at #1 or do we have a new occupant in the top slot?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
OVW Report: TV #669 "The Battle for Control"
After last week's craziness, and the promise of a big announcement tonight, we had some interesting developments and the return of Danny Davis! One interesting note is that OVW also had a house show scheduled tonight, so the roster was split. (Jason Wayne, the Best Team Ever, Mohamad Ali Vaez, Jamin Olivencia, the Baronis Brothers, Arik Kristopher, Adam Revolver, Raul LaMotta, Dylan Bostic, Joe Coleman to name a few were not at Davis Arena, and I can only assume were at the event in Russell County). Also, before the show, Fan Advocate and Ring Announcer Terry Boddie plugged my website and thanked me for writing these reports. Very cool.
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Ted "the Manbeast" McNaler b. Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies). McNaler came out strong, before Constantine made a small comeback putting Ted in a sleeper. McNaler made it back up and started his own comeback. He was set up for the spear when Tony Gunn & Nick Dumeyer came out looking for Ralphie. Ted stopped and went to hand Ralphie to Gunn, but Constantine got back to his feet and intercepted the bear and ran to the back. McNaler wins by countout. MY TAKE: I want to see a "Ralphie on a pole" match between Gunn & Constantine.
Moose & Michael Hayes (w/Mickey McMichael) b. Jayce King & "LMC" LaMarcus Clinton. King & LMC are now wearing matching attire and look like a knock-off of Cryme Tyme. When the ref went to check them before the match they put their hands behind their heads as if they were being frisked like criminals. Moose & Michael controlled most of this match and won with a double team finisher to LMC. MY TAKE: I think Moose & Michael deserve a shot at tag team gold and the "Best Team Ever".
"3G" Eric Wayne b. Elvis Pridemoore. Wayne controlled early, and then a small comeback by Elvis. Wayne was able to stop the momentum and planted him with a finsher for the win. MY TAKE: I like 3G, and hope he starts to build up to bigger and better things.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Ted "the Manbeast" McNaler b. Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies). McNaler came out strong, before Constantine made a small comeback putting Ted in a sleeper. McNaler made it back up and started his own comeback. He was set up for the spear when Tony Gunn & Nick Dumeyer came out looking for Ralphie. Ted stopped and went to hand Ralphie to Gunn, but Constantine got back to his feet and intercepted the bear and ran to the back. McNaler wins by countout. MY TAKE: I want to see a "Ralphie on a pole" match between Gunn & Constantine.
Moose & Michael Hayes (w/Mickey McMichael) b. Jayce King & "LMC" LaMarcus Clinton. King & LMC are now wearing matching attire and look like a knock-off of Cryme Tyme. When the ref went to check them before the match they put their hands behind their heads as if they were being frisked like criminals. Moose & Michael controlled most of this match and won with a double team finisher to LMC. MY TAKE: I think Moose & Michael deserve a shot at tag team gold and the "Best Team Ever".
"3G" Eric Wayne b. Elvis Pridemoore. Wayne controlled early, and then a small comeback by Elvis. Wayne was able to stop the momentum and planted him with a finsher for the win. MY TAKE: I like 3G, and hope he starts to build up to bigger and better things.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Monday, June 11, 2012
OVWmania Presents: OVW Top 20 (Week 5)
is the fifth edition of the OVW Top 20 exclusively on OVWmania. After
this past week's events, was Jamin Olivencia able to stay at #1, or did Rob Terry reclaim the top spot?
Sunday, June 10, 2012
OVW Special Report: Derby Park Expo Five Results June 10, 2012
I work somewhat close to where OVW held a live event at Derby Park tonight, and decided to check it out. I won't go into a large amount of details like I do for the TV tapings and Saturday Night Specials, but for those interested, here's what happened:
The Best Team Ever def. Paredyse & Tony Gunn (w/Nick Dumeyer).
Dylan Bostic def. Ted McNaler after interference by Adam Revolver.
Mickey McMichael (w/Johnny Spade) def. Joe Coleman (w/Jack Black).
Randy Royal, Jay Best, & Elvis Pridemoore def. Eddie Diamond, Adam Revolver, & Wolfgang (w/Timmy Danger). AFTER THE MATCH: The Assassin came out and took out Diamond & Wolfgang, and then Revolver started complaining and pushing Wolfgang for losing, allowing McNaler to come down to the ring and deliver a spear to Revolver.
Chris Silvio def. Jason Wayne in a 2 out of 3 falls match, but referee Chris Sharpe reversed the decision, calling for a DQ after Silvio pushed him, when it was Wayne who kicked Silvio into Sharpe.
The Best Team Ever def. Paredyse & Tony Gunn (w/Nick Dumeyer).
Dylan Bostic def. Ted McNaler after interference by Adam Revolver.
Mickey McMichael (w/Johnny Spade) def. Joe Coleman (w/Jack Black).
Randy Royal, Jay Best, & Elvis Pridemoore def. Eddie Diamond, Adam Revolver, & Wolfgang (w/Timmy Danger). AFTER THE MATCH: The Assassin came out and took out Diamond & Wolfgang, and then Revolver started complaining and pushing Wolfgang for losing, allowing McNaler to come down to the ring and deliver a spear to Revolver.
Chris Silvio def. Jason Wayne in a 2 out of 3 falls match, but referee Chris Sharpe reversed the decision, calling for a DQ after Silvio pushed him, when it was Wayne who kicked Silvio into Sharpe.
Friday, June 8, 2012
OVW TV #669 Preview: Danny Davis Returns!
OVW fans...if you have missed any OVW action this year, next week's TV taping will be one you need to see! We found out that after tireless board meetings, a big announcement will be made by "Nightmare" Ken Wayne, and OVW owner "Nightmare" Danny Davis will be live! Could this be the end for Josette Bynum? Maybe Chris Sharpe? What will we find out about the vacated TV title? Will Danny Davis regain control of HIS company? If you are in the Louisville area, be at 4400 Sheperdsville Road for belltime at 7:15 on Wednesday, June 13 to watch everything unfold! As OVW's Fan Advocate, Terry Boddie, says..."We'll see YOU at the shows!"
Thursday, June 7, 2012
OVW Report: TV #668 "Here We Go Again..."
Tonight's show featured the fallout from Saturday Night Special and we had some big changes happen again. Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Chris Silvio b. Eddie Diamond. Diamond was the guy I called Joe-Bob in my report from last SNS, not that it matters. Silvio controlled most of the match and ended it with a rocket punch. After the match, Silvio said he was coming after Jason Wayne. MY TAKE: Silvio vs. Wayne III is coming to a ring near you. Based on their first 2 encounters, I would imagine a possible stipulation such as No DQ, No Countout.
Epiphany b. Heidi. Your new OVW Women's Champion got a nice reception. At the beginning, Epiphany charged after Heidi, but Heidi kept ducking and getting some shots in. Finally, Epiphany caught her and won it with her twisting suplex finisher. MY TAKE: Epiphany looks good with the gold, but you know Taeler wants it back.
Michael Hayes b. Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies). Raphael kept yelling at the crowd that Ralphie was his bear. Not much wrestling here. Constantine grabbed the bear from one of the ladies, but the ref took it away distracting him for Hayes to get the rollup. After the match, Hayes said he would be facing Jack Black on Friday night, and if he won, Black would also get 10 lashes from Mickey. MY TAKE: Sean Casey has been absent for the last several weeks. If he does return, I see Tony Gunn & Nick Dumeyer vs. X2C in our near future. I also wonder if Mickey will get to each member of BS 2.0.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Chris Silvio b. Eddie Diamond. Diamond was the guy I called Joe-Bob in my report from last SNS, not that it matters. Silvio controlled most of the match and ended it with a rocket punch. After the match, Silvio said he was coming after Jason Wayne. MY TAKE: Silvio vs. Wayne III is coming to a ring near you. Based on their first 2 encounters, I would imagine a possible stipulation such as No DQ, No Countout.
Epiphany b. Heidi. Your new OVW Women's Champion got a nice reception. At the beginning, Epiphany charged after Heidi, but Heidi kept ducking and getting some shots in. Finally, Epiphany caught her and won it with her twisting suplex finisher. MY TAKE: Epiphany looks good with the gold, but you know Taeler wants it back.
Michael Hayes b. Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies). Raphael kept yelling at the crowd that Ralphie was his bear. Not much wrestling here. Constantine grabbed the bear from one of the ladies, but the ref took it away distracting him for Hayes to get the rollup. After the match, Hayes said he would be facing Jack Black on Friday night, and if he won, Black would also get 10 lashes from Mickey. MY TAKE: Sean Casey has been absent for the last several weeks. If he does return, I see Tony Gunn & Nick Dumeyer vs. X2C in our near future. I also wonder if Mickey will get to each member of BS 2.0.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
Monday, June 4, 2012
OVWmania Presents: OVW Top 20 (Week 4)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
OVW Report: June Saturday Night Special Results
Another big night at OVW. The crowd was the loudest I've heard all year. We had 9 big matches, with a few changes
along the way. So without further
ado, the results...
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Predictions for OVW SNS June 2, 2012
Here's my predictions for tonight:
Constantine will become the next victim of the bearhug, and Gunn will get Ralphie back. WINNER: GUNN.
I don't see a scenario in which Paredyse loses and his career is over. Espinosa quits, but I feel will somehow get away without admitting anything. WINNER: PAREDYSE.
This should be a good match, but I feel like Wayne will be victorious. WINNER: WAYNE.
Shiloh Jonze & Raul LaMotta vs. Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade (c)
There's a reason Rudy & Jessie are calling themselves the "Best Team Ever". I feel like they will win this one. WINNERS: GODDERZ & SWITCHBLADE.
(Rocco Bellagio is banned from the building, AND if BS 2.0 loses, Chris Bolin gets 10 lashes!)
After Mickey got strapped 2 weeks ago, the team I will call 3M, will be victorious and get some revenge on Baby Bolin. WINNERS: MICHAEL, MOOSE, & MICKEY.
Epiphany vs. Taeler Hendrix (c)
Not always, but quite a few times, being on the promotional banner seems to be a curse. After holding the title for months, I think Taeler loses it tonight. WINNER: EPIPHANY.
Jamin Olivencia vs. Mohamad Ali Vaez (c)
After doing everything he could to get another match with Ali, Jamin will take full advantage and win the title. WINNER: JAMIN.
Johnny Spade vs. Rob Terry (c)
I don't know what all will transpire here, but I just feel like Terry is going to walk out still OVW champ. WINNER: TERRY.
will have a report following the Saturday Night Special tonight.
Thanks for following on twitter @TheBrianCannon and here on OVW mania!
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