After last week's craziness, and the promise of a big announcement tonight, we had some interesting developments and the return of Danny Davis! One interesting note is that OVW also had a house show scheduled tonight, so the roster was split. (Jason Wayne, the Best Team Ever, Mohamad Ali Vaez, Jamin Olivencia, the Baronis Brothers, Arik Kristopher, Adam Revolver, Raul LaMotta, Dylan Bostic, Joe Coleman to name a few were not at Davis Arena, and I can only assume were at the event in Russell County). Also, before the show, Fan Advocate and Ring Announcer Terry Boddie plugged my website and thanked me for writing these reports. Very cool.
Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Ted "the Manbeast" McNaler b. Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies). McNaler came out strong, before Constantine made a small comeback putting Ted in a sleeper. McNaler made it back up and started his own comeback. He was set up for the spear when Tony Gunn & Nick Dumeyer came out looking for Ralphie. Ted stopped and went to hand Ralphie to Gunn, but Constantine got back to his feet and intercepted the bear and ran to the back. McNaler wins by countout. MY TAKE: I want to see a "Ralphie on a pole" match between Gunn & Constantine.
Moose & Michael Hayes (w/Mickey McMichael) b. Jayce King & "LMC" LaMarcus Clinton. King & LMC are now wearing matching attire and look like a knock-off of Cryme Tyme. When the ref went to check them before the match they put their hands behind their heads as if they were being frisked like criminals. Moose & Michael controlled most of this match and won with a double team finisher to LMC. MY
TAKE: I think Moose & Michael deserve a shot at tag team gold and the "Best Team Ever".
"3G" Eric Wayne b. Elvis Pridemoore. Wayne controlled early, and then a small comeback by Elvis. Wayne was able to stop the momentum and planted him with a finsher for the win. MY
TAKE: I like 3G, and hope he starts to build up to bigger and better things.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show
first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the
main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before
reading my report. You can find the shows online at
To start the show, Ken Wayne makes his way to the ring. He calls out the entire OVW roster. He says that there will be a tournament for the vacated TV Title, and anyone can enter. He then says he has an important announcement, but before he can do that, he calls out Josette who didn't come out with the rest of the roster. She makes her way to the ring with Rob Terry (the only Family member in attendance). Wayne then says to get on your feet and welcome back Danny Davis! Danny comes to the ring, and Wayne says Josette put him where he wanted to be last a meeting with lawyers. He says there will be a best of 7 series at the next SNS, and the winner gets control of OVW. Josette & Danny will each get to select anyone on the roster, and the first person to collect 4 wins will get control. Danny is not happy that he still does not have control of HIS company after he has been out for the last 7-8 months, but asks Wayne to clarify about the picks. He asks if that means he could actually pick Rob Terry if he wanted, and Wayne says yes. Wayne says there will be a match tonight, winner gets first pick. Danny & Josette argue, which includes some profanity, before everyone exits ringside.
Backstage, referees Joe Wheeler, Jordan Barker, & Josh Ashcraft are telling Chris Sharpe he's under review and needs to get it together. He's making officials look bad, and he's turned his back on Danny Davis & OVW, the company that trained him and gave him great opportunities. They turn to walk out and Sharpe comes up from behind and kicks Ashcraft below the belt and laughs.
Brittany DeVore is backstage and knocks on Danny Davis' office door and asks who he will pick tonight to try and win the first pick for SNS. He says he has no comment. Ted McNaler walks up to him wanting the opportunity, but Danny says he has someone else in mind. We then see McNaler walk up to his bag, that has been torn open and thrown about. He starts yelling, asking who did this, and Elvis tells him it was Adam Revolver. Ted says he thought he ended this a month ago, but will end it once and for all next week.
Back in the arena, Josh Ashcraft comes out and gets in the ring demanding Chris Sharpe come to the ring and face him like a man. Sharpe comes out to ringside and grabs a mic, saying he's stupid because if they have a ref vs. ref match, who would ref? Out comes Joe Wheeler. Sharpe is threatened that if he doesn't get in the ring, it will be reported to Ken Wayne and that will be his 3rd strike. Wheeler starts counting, and Sharpe finally gets in...
Josh Ashcraft vs. Chris Sharpe
Sharpe attacks Josh and starts clubbing him with blows. He keeps slapping him and kicking him. He gets pulled away by Wheeler, and Sharpe starts arguing with him. This allows Josh to get back up and low blow him. Wheeler looks away as if nothing happened and then makes the 3 count. WINNER: ASHCRAFT.
Backstage again, we see Paredyse getting ready for the "partnership" ceremony. We then see Randy Royal approach Danny Davis wanting an opportunity, but Danny says nothing against him, but he's already got someone picked out.
TV Title Tournament Match: Cliff Compton vs. "The Psychadelic Superstar" Chris Silvio (w/Team Tye Dye)
The crowd was split on who to root for. A good back and forth match, until it comes to blows at the end, and the time limit runs out. This match is a draw and both participants are eliminated from the tournament. MY
VIEW: I believe we will still get another round of Silvio vs. Jason Wayne, and Cliff will probably be a pick for Danny Davis, so it makes sense that both men were eliminated.
Backstage once again, we see some of the guys talking to Brandon Espinosa about the ceremony, and Shiloh Jonze asking "Chris" whether he/she will be "Best Man" or "Maid of Honor". Jack Black approaches Danny Davis about being his pick for tonight and Danny says maybe several years ago, but not tonight.
In the arena, the OVW roster makes their way out for the ceremony between Paredyse & Espy. This was the wackiest thing I have ever seen. Chris is the speaker, the X2C ladies are bridesmaids, Espy is in a tux, Paredyse is in a dress, and the Assassin is the ring bearer. Alrighty...Espy and Paredyse exchange vows and "I Do"s, and the Assassin wraps a tag rope around their hands. Before they "consummate" their partnership, Josette and Rob Terry come out and she says this isn't happening on her watch because she is still in charge and this is a wrestling show. (I actually agreed with Josette on that part). Danny Davis comes out and argues with her again, bringing out Ken Wayne. He says we are going to have the match for first pick right now. Josette chooses Rob Terry, and Danny Davis brings out Johnny Spade.
For 1st Pick: Rob Terry vs. "Smooth" Johnny Spade
An awesome match between these two. The crowd was electric for this match that saw good back and forth action and near falls. In the end, it looks like Terry is about to slam Spade, but Spade flips around him and rolls him up for the 3! WINNER: SPADE. Danny Davis then points at Rob Terry and says his first pick will be...and then he turns and points at the winner, Johnny Spade! MY
VIEW: It'll be interesting to see how they set up the best of 7 at SNS. Will we continue feuds, such as Spade vs. Terry, Silvio vs. Wayne, etc.? Will any championships be on the line? Will there be any curveballs, such as Danny Davis picking someone like Jessie Godderz, or Josette picking someone like Shiloh Jonze?
This ended the TV taping.
During intermission, there was some controversy about a possible home incarceration bracelet around the ankle of a ring announcer, but I won't mention any names. By the way, you can check out TERRY BODDIE'S website at
Post-Show Dark Matches:
Vic the Bruiser b. Eddie Diamond. Diamond used his speed early, but was finally caught by Vic and taken down by his piledriver-like finisher. After the match, Chris Sharpe came to the ring and made fun of Diamond for losing. Cue the Assassin. The Assassin comes to the ring and Sharpe pushes Diamond into a massive clothesline. Sharpe is then cornered, but points for Assassin to hit Diamond again. Assassin turns and looks at Diamond, while Sharpe makes faces behind Assassin's back. Assassin turns around and lays Sharpe out with a massive clothesline as well. MY
TAKE: You would think people would start to learn that if the Assassin's music hits...RUN!
Paredyse & Brandon Espinosa b. BS 2.0 (Rocco Bellagio & Jack Black). Comedy spots early between Paredyse & Rocco. Rocco & Black took control for a while until a missed flying elbow by Rocco allowed Paredyse to get the hot tag to Espy. Paredyse & Espy clotheslined Black out of the ring and then delivered a double team Rock Bottom looking finisher to Rocco for the win. MY TAKE: What's next for the team of Paredyse & Espy? And what is going on with BS 2.0? They can't seem to get anything going in the right direction.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget that this episode should be up on OVW's website sometime on Thursday evening.
OVWmania features live reports every week on the best independent wrestling promotion in the world, Ohio Valley Wrestling. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, this is where the future happens, and has for nearly 30 years. Since “Nightmare” Danny Davis founded OVW in 1993, the company has had a hand in the training of John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Batista, Mickie James, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Shawn Spears, Bobby Lashley, The Miz, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Mr. Kennedy, Brian Myers, Matt Cardona, Shelton Benjamin, Beth Phoenix, Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, Ruby Soho, Mark Henry, and many more!
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