Here we go...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Moose & Michael Hayes (w/Mickey McMichael) b. Sean "Virus" Harddrive & ?. I missed the name of Virus' partner, but this was essentially a squash. Michael was wrestling without his prosthetic tonight, and we found out later that it broke on him, so he couldn't use it. Moose & Michael delivered their double-team finisher on Virus for the victory. MY TAKE: At this point, I was thinking Moose & Michael might be building up to a tag team title match. Later, I thought different...you'll see why.
Raphael Constantine (w/the X2C ladies) b. Fabiano Rolento. Rolento actually controlled most of this match which featured many comedy spots including him dancing with Constantine, asking the ladies if they had the "STD", and going up to the top rope, then the middle, bottom, and then laying down beside Constantine to deliver an elbow drop, because he was afraid to jump too high. After a distraction by the ladies, Constantine clocked Fabiano with Ralphie the bear knocking him unconscious. MY TAKE: There was no Tony Gunn tonight, but I'm sure he's still watching and waiting to get Ralphie back.
"Smooth" Johnny Spade b. Eddie Diamond (w/Timmy Danger). Essentially another squash, where Spade laid some nasty chops on Diamond and finished him off with the superkick. MY TAKE: It looks like the Smooth One is ready for SNS.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before reading my report. You can find the shows online at www.ovwrestling.com/tv.
To start the show, Ken Wayne makes his way to the ring. He says fans have been asking why he doesn't just fire Josette. He equates it to the death penalty, saying once you kill them, it's over. He says he wants Josette to suffer a bit, like she has done to others while in power. He calls her to the ring, and she comes out with the Family. He then calls out Danny Davis. Josette says he shouldn't use bad words on a family show. Wayne says Danny will be fined $100 for calling Josette the b-word. Wayne & Davis go back and forth, basically calling her the b-word without directly saying it. Wayne then says there will be 4 tag team matches tonight, and each of them will get to pick one of the winning teams to face off at SNS for the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles that he strips away from Rudy Switchblade & Jessie Godderz.
Moose & Michael Hayes (w/Mickey McMichael) vs. Bolin Services 2.0 (w/Chris Bolin)
This match was the first tag team tournament match, but never gets started as Moose & Hayes get out of the ring and brawl with BS 2.0 on the outside. While they are brawling, Mickey & Bolin roll into the ring, where Bolin kicks Mickey below the belt and takes off out the side entrance. Moose & Michael get in the ring to check on him, and BS 2.0 attack them again. All of them then brawl to the outside, where BS 2.0 get into a car and take off as Moose tries to chase them down. WINNER: None. The referee declares the match a no-contest. MY TAKE: It appears this feud has reignited and will probably find it's way on the card for the next SNS.
Backstage, Ted McNaler (w/Brittany DeVore) is looking for Adam Revolver. He comes up to the "Marksman" Nick Dumeyer and makes a deal that if he comes across Ralphie, he'll let him know, as long as if Dumeyer sees Adam, he'll let him know. We then see Chris Silvio (w/Mo Green) walk into a locker room where Cliff Compton & Johnny Spade are. They talk about last week, arguing a bit, when Spade tells them they are in the tag tournament later tonight, and asks if they're gonna act like men, or act like chumps. They say they will have each other's backs.
The Street Kings (LMC & Jayce King) vs. Loco-MG ("Rudo" Raul LaMotta & Shiloh Jonze)
This match was another tag tournament match and was mainly controlled by Loco-MG, but did have a few nice spots from LMC. In the end, Raul & Shiloh hit a double-team maneuver on LMC, and got the pin. WINNERS: Loco-MG. MY VIEW: A nice win for Shiloh & Raul. I like the pairing of LMC & King, too. They still have some work to do, but can be a legitimate tag team with more seasoning.
Backstage again, Ted is still looking for Adam. He walks in on Paredyse & Brandon Espinosa who look like they are about to kiss. He asks them to tell him if they see Adam. Paredyse says they are in the tag tournament, and Espy should probably get ready and "oil up".
TV Title Tournament Match: Dylan Bostic (w/Taeler Hendrix) vs. Randy Royal
The Best Team Ever (Rudy Switchblade & "Mr. Pec-Tacular" Jessie Godderz) vs. Chris Silvio & Cliff Compton
Compton & Silvio were not on the same page from the start. They tagged themselves in, and towards the end, Godderz went for a pin on Compton, and Silvio came in to break it up, but accidentally hit Compton after Godderz moved. They began arguing allowing the "BTE" to knock Compton into Silvio, who ran into Mo Green on the apron, and then delivered their double-team finisher to Compton for the pin. WINNERS: The Best Team Ever. MY VIEW: Godderz & Switchblade will look to regain the tag titles, while it'll be interesting to see what happens next between Silvio & Compton.
Backstage yet again, Brittany DeVore is interviewing Jason Wayne & Mohamad Ali Vaez, who are teaming for the tournament tonight against Brandon Espinosa & Paredyse. Wayne talks about fighting for our country for people like Espy & Paredyse, and how they're a disgrace, etc. We then see Ted go after Adam with a chair, and Brittany yelling at Ted to calm down. Ted says he thought this was over a month ago, but says they will have a match next week to finish it off for good.
Mohamad Ali Vaez & Jason Wayne vs. Pare-Nosa (Paredyse & Brandon Espinosa)
Early control by Vaez & Wayne who keep Paredyse in their corner of the ring. Paredyse finally makes the hot tag to Espy. After a few near falls, Paredyse hits a finisher on Ali for the win. WINNERS: Pare-Nosa. After the match, Rudy Switchblade & Rob Terry come out and attack Pare-Nosa. Loco-MG come out to even things up, and Ken Wayne comes out shortly thereafter. He says things aren't going to get out of control on his show. He calls Josette into the ring and says since Danny Davis got to pick first last week, she gets first pick tonight on which team she will have fight for the tag team titles at SNS. She picks the Best Team Ever. Ken then calls Danny Davis back out. He chooses Pare-Nosa, and Loco-MG looks disappointed. Ken Wayne also adds a stipulation for the tag team title match at SNS, saying it will be the Best Team Ever vs. Pare-Nosa in a ladder match! MY VIEW: Interesting that Davis chose the newly formed team of Pare-Nosa over Loco-MG. My gut feeling is that the Best Team Ever will reclaim the gold at SNS.
This ended the TV taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
As we returned from intermission, the Assassin's music hit, and he came out to the ring and took out ring announcer/fan advocate Terry Boddie with the heart punch. We then get Ricky Chevy while some of the stars and refs are checking on Boddie, who comes out and says OVW is having a homecoming show (I think Sunday, July 15) and he challenges Trailer Park Trash to a dog food match. Vic the Bruiser's music hits and as he comes out, Chevy says he knows Vic is an old friend of Trash's, but he doesn't have a beef with him, to go back to the old folks home where he came from. Of course, this angers Vic, who knocks out Chevy.
Vic the Bruiser b. Donny Kowell(?). I had trouble hearing the name of this guy as well, I know he did have a "DK" on his tights. He reminded me a bit of Cody Rhodes. Vic's size was too much for him to handle, and Vic won with the inverted piledriver. MY TAKE: Vic's one guy I would hate to be in the ring with. It looks like some of the chops he lays in on his opponents would take your skin off.
"3G" Eric Wayne b. Ted "the Manbeast" McNaler. A good back and forth match. (An action shot from this match is pictured to the right). Towards the end, McNaler had control and was setting up for the spear when Revolver came out distracting him. He chased Adam around and into the ring where Wayne got back up and was waiting, and delivered his finisher to McNaler for the pin. MY TAKE: Wayne is a superstar to watch. He's got the skills to be a big star.
Thanks for reading! Don't forget that this episode should be up on OVW's website sometime on Thursday evening.
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