Another interesting night at OVW. We had a lot going on including a ring rope malfunction. Let's get to it...
Pre-Show Dark Matches:
Chris Silvio b. Raphael Constantine. Team Tye-Dye was in the building and ready for business. Mo went to introduce Silvio, but X2C's music interrupted and out came Constantine. After the introduction, and before Constantine could even take off his entrance attire, Silvio nailed a rocket punch and knocked him out cold. After the match, Silvio told Jason Wayne he needed to remember where he came from, saying guys like Danny Davis, even Johnny Spade and himself that have helped him get to where he is. He said to remember it took 4 other guys (The Family) for him to beat him last week. MY TAKE: Silvio & Wayne could be a featured attraction at the next Saturday Night Special.
Vic the Bruiser b. Daniel Pruce. So this was where things kinda got off-track. Daniel stepped on the bottom rope during his entrance, and it snapped. So this match went on with only the top 2 ropes. Vic controlled most of this match and won after Pruce ran into a side slam. After the match, some of the officials, announcers, and Trailer Park Trash came out to work on the ring rope. This was a good 20-30 minute delay. To kill time, Terry Boddie reminded us that May's SNS was on sale at the merchandise booth, and Josette Bynum came out twice. The first time, she said everybody needed to hurry up or she was going to start firing people, and the second time she called out Daniel Pruce and fired him for breaking the bottom rope. MY TAKE: It will be interesting to see if they stick with this storyline of Pruce being fired, seeing as it came as extra during the technical difficulties.
That concludes the pre-show dark matches. If you plan on watching the show
first, you should pick back up reading later as I move into the
main show. I will always recommend watching the show first before
reading my report.
Once the ring rope was fixed, we were ready for action. Backstage in the locker room, we see Cliff Compton & Johnny Spade rallying the troops and telling them it's time to end Josette's reign of terror.
Of course that meant we got to start with Josette and the Family. She said she was ready for them to go at it right now, and Cliff & Spade made their way out. They said they wanted the tag titles on the line and Josette agreed.
OVW Southern Tag Team Titles: Cliff Compton & Johnny Spade vs. Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade (c)
Cliff & Spade came out on fire, and it looked like they were about to win the match after Spade super kicked Godderz, but Josette stopped the match and made it a handicap match. Ali & Terry entered the ring and it was 4-on-2 when both locker rooms emptied. Josette started screaming and told everyone but the participants to leave the ring.
4-on-2 Handicap Match: Cliff Compton & Johnny Spade vs. The Family
With the numbers advantage, the Family controlled for a while, keeping Compton away from making the tag to Spade. They also used cheap tactics, like not tagging in, hitting Spade, etc. to keep the advantage. Finally, Compton was able to get the hot tag to Spade. Spade came in and was cleaning house. Everyone was down on the outside and Spade again hit a super kick and went for the pin. Referee Chris Sharpe made the 1...2...but STOPPED COUNTING! Spade & Cliff had Sharpe cornered and asked him what he was doing. This allowed the Family to get back in the ring and take them down and Sharpe made a quick 3 count. WINNERS: THE FAMILY. MY VIEW: Just when you thought Josette's reign couldn't get any worse, they've added a referee to their stable. Will the nightmare reign ever end?
Backstage, the X2C ladies are upset at Constantine about something and he offers them a teddy bear which happens to be Ralphie. Ted McNaler & Brittany DeVore walk in and I had trouble hearing what was going on, but they all walk off and you see Adam Revolver spying on them and he slams the door. Tony Gunn then walks in to find Ralphie missing.
LaMarcus Clinton vs. Chito Martinez
LMC had a decent showing, and hit some innovative and high-flying maneuvers, but the energetic and powerful Chito was able to win with the jumping DDT.
WINNER: MARTINEZ. MY VIEW: "Chito" continues to move up the ranks and I believe will see a TV title shot in his near future.
Backstage, Randy Royal had Dylan Bostic pinned up against a locker with Taeler Hendrix screaming and Epiphany laughing. Epiphany said Royal would let go and said something about a match at Saturday Night Special. Taeler agreed and Epiphany said it was a pleasure doing business with her. So, our first match officially signed for Saturday Night Special is for the OVW Women's Championship. Taeler then flipped out on Dylan again.
OVW Television Title: Rogue Navy vs. Mohamad Ali Vaez (c)
Navy came out and as we awaited Ali, they showed him looking in a mirror in the back and we see Chito walk by behind him, making Ali do a double-take before he comes out. Navy was impressive and controlled a good portion of this matchup. He did some good powerhouse maneuvers, but after trying to do a chokeslam, Ali slid out and hit the neckbreaker. WINNER: ALI. MY
VIEW: Navy had a really good showing, and it was nice for Ali to get clean victories the last 2 weeks. It'll be a fun matchup if he defends his title against Chito.
Backstage again, we see Brandon Espinosa talking to Daniel Pruce, telling him he has nice abs, and how he likes his hair, when Tony Gunn comes in looking for Ralphie and asks what's going on. Espy says Pruce needed to leave with Paredyse and told Gunn that Pruce was talking about how he liked Espy's hair and abs, when Paredyse ran in and attacked him.
Christopher Bolin vs. Mickey McMichaels
Bolin came out first, followed by Mickey who looked a little timid to get in the ring. Bolin pushed him around a little and grabbed him by the hair and smacked him. Mickey finally fought back and shoved Bolin to the mat. Before anything else could happen, BS 2.0 ran into the ring and surrounded Mickey. Moose ran out, but BS 2.0 caught him on his way in and handcuffed him in the corner. BS 2.0 ripped off Mickey's shirt and held him for Bolin to strap a couple times with his leather belt before Johnny Spade & Cliff Compton ran out to make the save. Spade & Cliff said they'd had enough, the fans had had enough and it was time to end this. Josette sent out the Family, Bolin Services 2.0, and the rest of the bad guy locker room to surround the ring. Cliff, Moose, Mickey, & Spade would have been outnumbered, but then the good guy locker room emptied. The good guys fought off the bad guys from trying to get in the ring. While all this was happening, Trailer Park Trash's music hit, and he came out with a letter. He grabbed a mic and stood on the announce table and read it. He said it was from the OVW Board of Directors and that there was some possible issues with the way OVW is being ran. (Duh, really?) Next week, a representative from the Board will be live to discuss things and do a review with Josette Bynum! MY VIEW: Could this finally be the end of the tyrannical Josette Bynum era? Or will she have yet another trick up her sleeve?
This ended the tv taping.
Post-Show Dark Matches:
CJ Lane b. Heidi. This was kind of a slow and sloppy match. CJ reversed a roll-up by Heidi into a roll-up of her own for the victory. The main action happened following the match, as Fabiano Rolento came out and started hitting on both of the ladies. They double-teamed him and hip tossed him to the mat, and out came the Assassin. Fabiano got back to his feet and backed up into the Assassin who hit a powerful clothesline like he did to the sweeper last week. MY TAKE: I'm a fan of Fabiano's. I'm waiting to see if there's actually going to be any progression with the Assassin, as he continues to just come out and knock people out.
Tony Gunn b. Adam Revolver. Revolver tried getting Gunn to lay down before the match saying he'd tell him where Ralphie was. Gunn laid down but then tried to roll him up. Revolver also tried distracting him later in the match by throwing his happy pills in the air and taking out his knee. He worked over Gunn's knee/leg for a while, but Gunn started to make a comeback. In the end, Gunn caught him in the bearhug forcing him to tapout. MY TAKE: I wonder if we are going to get a feud with Gunn & X2C after Constantine gave the ladies Ralphie?
Another fun night. Don't
forget OVW updates their website with the weekly show Thursday evenings. Thanks for reading!
OVWmania features live reports every week on the best independent wrestling promotion in the world, Ohio Valley Wrestling. Based in Louisville, Kentucky, this is where the future happens, and has for nearly 30 years. Since “Nightmare” Danny Davis founded OVW in 1993, the company has had a hand in the training of John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Batista, Mickie James, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Shawn Spears, Bobby Lashley, The Miz, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Mr. Kennedy, Brian Myers, Matt Cardona, Shelton Benjamin, Beth Phoenix, Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, Ruby Soho, Mark Henry, and many more!
OVW Champions (As of 6/22/23)
OVW Champions (As of 6/22/23)
Thanks for posting the results. As always, a few comments from the coconut state.
ReplyDeleteLast week it was mentioned in your blog “response” about how the then Lady Jojo had manipulated Chris Sharp. The possible build up was Lady Jojo regaining the OVW Lady’s Championship Belt with his assistance as the “Crooked Referee.” The buildup did not go far, at least not yet, but is this a coincidence? Suddenly Mr. Sharpe is back in the ring assisting Ms. Josette’s Family. Reminds of the Mr. Davis’ 1980’s WWF days where he was featured as the corrupted referee! Déjà vu?
The rest of the event appeared to be outstanding and I respect your commentary. Good to see Vaez getting some honest wins.
I can’t let this go without a remark. I am glad to see that this week; OVW is finally having Royal focus his actions towards Bostic, rather than be used as a conduit for the continued tasteless and absolutely classless vernacular against the reigning OVW Woman’s Champion!
But their storyline has gone “Bipolar!” When you watch the vignette, Royal and Epiphany are projecting themselves as the Heels! And the real baby faces, Taeler and Dylan, well ..Are the “Faces!” Which makes me wonder that somewhere in the script there will be Josette? Maybe Epiphany will go over to the Family and the Family and Josette will excommunicate Taeler. This in some ways might be good for Taeler. She did come to the OVW as the One Girl Revolution. A theme that she still commands. More on this subject before the next SNS!
Glad to see CJ Lane in the ring along with Heidi. Even though you said the match was clunky. I suspect Heidi has come to OVW with recommendations and mentorship from Taeler. I hope OVW seriously grows their Femme Fatale group and leave the Men with the Men.
A correction on my part. I mentioned before that Taeler had never been fairly defeated since signing onto OVW in September. Actually, she lost her very first match in September when Izza belle Smothers hit her with a knuckle duster. Sometime later, Izza pinned her again in a three way Ladies match with Lady Jojo at a house event.
Brian, keep up the great work. Looking forward to your weekly rankings….Aloha!